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New version of Web Analytics for SharePoint 2010


HarePoint Analytics is the ultimate web-analytics solution for sites and portals based on Microsoft SharePoint. Site users and their behavior, traffic, content usage and popularity, and much more: all data needed to understand how your sites are really used and how they can be improved.

There are a range of improvements and features in a new version of the software:

  • DevExpress libraries used in the product are updated to exclude possible conflicts with other applications which use the same components.
  • Optimization for data processing speed for the monthly data processing timer job.
  • Changes in the IIS log files importer utility to avoid import of duplicated data.
  • New feature: processing of the backlog data without disabling of "Queue data processor timer job".

You are also welcome to browse a full list of updates in a new version.

The new version of the product can be obtained at HarePoint Analytics for SharePoint homepage.​​​​

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  • Jones Lang LaSalle
  • Time Warner Cable
  • Zurich University of Applied Sciences
  • Genève Aéroport