HarePoint HelpDesk for SharePoint

An outstanding helpdesk solution for your SharePoint environment
that boosts the quality of your IT support service to the highest
level and ensures efficiency and transparency as well.

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Schedule a demo of HarePoint HelpDesk for SharePoint

A live demonstration is the quickest way to see how HarePoint HelpDesk for SharePoint will support your business. We are happy to provide a demonstration for you and/or a group of your colleagues. The typical demo includes:

  • overview of the product interfaces (user’s and technician’s)
  • demonstration of creation of the request and replies
  • features review: viewing forms, alerts, SLA, reports, e-mail support, etc.
  • your questions.

Please fill in the form below to schedule a demo and our representatives will contact you as soon as possible (usually within one business day) to set up the exact time and date of the demo.

Name: *
Email: *
Company name: *
Contact phone: *
Country: *
Time zone: *
Products: *

Comments: *
Please send us any questions you have and details of your requirements so we can address your needs specifically.
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Our valued customers

HarePoint products are recognized by thousands of companies

  • Time Warner Cable
  • Immofinanz
  • Department of Finance and Administration, State of Arkansas
  • Somerset County Council
  • WilmerHale