What's new in HarePoint Content and Workflow Migrator

Version history of HarePoint Content and Workflow Migrator for SharePoint

Version 3.6.22329 released on November 25, 2022

Сompatibility fixes with the latest version of SharePoint Online and other minor improvements.

Version 3.5.20337 released on December 2, 2020

The updated version now allows moving content between SharePoint sites with implemented MFA.

Version 3.4.19252 released on September 9, 2019

Fix for migrating SharePoint items and workflows using an account with Contribute permissions only.

Version 3.4.19182 released on July 1, 2019
  • Export feature for workflow, list, and content-type lists has been added.
  • The selection of displayed columns in the lists is available now.
  • Columns with details about custom activities in workflows (HarePoint and third-party activities) can be displayed in the list.
  • Opportunity to define a required action, in case the list being migrated already exists on the target site, is available.
  • The checking process for list existence in the target site has been optimized.
  • Retrieving of SharePoint lists from the site has been optimized.
Version 3.4.19099 released on April 10, 2019
  • Lookup fields: error Sequence contains more than one matching element fixed.
  • Fixed error An item with the same key has already been added while adding a content type.
  • Fixed bug A duplicate field name "<name>" was found appearing when adding a content type or fields to a list.
  • Fixed bug Column "<name>" does not exist when adding a view.
  • Fixed bug ServerException: File Not Found when adding a view.
  • Fixed bug List "<name>" does not exist when adding a view.
  • Property not initialized bug fixed when adding a list item.
  • 60-second delay added to the Retry dialogue for network connection errors.
Version 3.4 released on March 19, 2019

The new version is fully compatible with Microsoft SharePoint Server 2019 and with the latest SharePoint Online updates.

  • New feature to show hidden SharePoint lists.
  • Hidden lists are grayed out.
  • Fix for downloading file versions created by a deleted user.
  • Additional retry attempt in case of “Operation has timed out” error.
  • Retry dialogue for network connection errors has been added.
  • Additional attempt to download Content Types in case of a failure.
  • Fix for uploading large lists from a file.
  • Fix for View saving.
  • Interface improved to migrate more than 32 lists.
  • Fix for sub-folder migration from lists with 5000+ items.
  • Fix for downloading list columns.
  • Fix for SharePoint 2013 Workflow creation date error.
  • Improved operations with Lookup fields.
Version 3.3 released on July 12, 2018
  • SharePoint 2013 workflow upload fixed and improved.
  • Fixed issue with SharePoint 2013 workflow creation date.
  • Fixed bug when migrating a big number of SharePoint lists.
  • Lookup fields migration updated.
  • Fixed bug with Calculated column formula.
Version 3.2.1 released on May 14, 2018
  • The processing of big volumes of data has been optimized.
Version 3.2 released on March 7, 2018
  • Improved processing of lists larger than 5000 items. No longer affected by native SharePoint limitations for List View sorting and filtering.
  • Now major and minor versions can be saved to the target folder along with the original document stored in a SharePoint library.
  • Now you can copy list items by adding them to an existing list.
  • In cases of overwriting a SharePoint List that has the “Allow Deletion” flag set to FALSE, HarePoint Migrator deletes all current items inside the list and then copies in new items.
  • Fixed authorization issue in cases when there are no permissions for the root site in a SharePoint collection.
Version 3.1.1 released on December 18, 2017
  • The product is fully compatible with the latest versions of SharePoint Online now.
  • The migration of complex lists (lists containing calculated fields, column Validation Formula, etc.) has been significantly improved.
  • The product requires .NET Framework 4.5.2 for installation, deployment, and usage since the presented version.
Version 3.1 released on July 20, 2017
  • New option to keep the original SharePoint List permissions settings.
  • Now you can keep the SharePoint Wiki Library Start Page property after migration.
  • Fixed bug when copying a reusable workflow with custom associated columns.
  • Fixed bug with list items duplication in SharePoint Online.
  • Fixed bug when copying the lookup-column that refers to a deleted list.
  • Fixed bug when the View with a deleted column is migrated.
  • Now you can use the Page URL from the Browser in the settings. HarePoint Content and Workflow Migrator will find it and use the correct Site URL automatically. Works with SharePoint 2013 only.
  • Fixed bug with showing a wrong number in SPList.ItemsCount property after migration.
  • Fixed: View files are put into Checked In status after migration.
  • Improved user search during the migration using Login Name and Display Name while ignoring Domain.
  • Fixed list migration issues that occurred when migrating from SharePoint Online to SharePoint 2010.
  • New dialog with Retry button in case a required document was not downloaded during the export of a Document Library as a Zip File.
  • CSOM library updated to the latest version.
Version 3.0 released on April 5, 2017
  • SharePoint 2013 workflow platform support has been added.
  • Now the 'Modified By' fields correctly migrate when the version history option is enabled (SharePoint Online only).
  • The error "item is already checked out by <username>" while uploading a file into a list has been fixed.
  • The error while uploading a file into a list with the "requires checkout" option enabled has been fixed.
  • Possible save conflict during uploaded file check in has been fixed.
  • New error dialog while uploading file allows to retry/skip/cancel the operation.
Version 2.2 released on November 30, 2016
  • Option to copy all the files from one document library to another without rebuilding the libraries.
  • All CSOM libraries are updated for compatibility with the latest SharePoint versions.
  • Fixed bug occurring during upload of documents on site when query had invalid content Length value.
  • Fixed bug in migration attachments for different versions of SharePoint.
  • CSOM library updated.
  • Fixed counting of items copied in when TooManyResourcesException occurs.
  • The number of pauses increased between requests for temporary glitches of iis reset server type.
  • Fixed migration of old workflows to SharePoint 2016.
  • Modified By field value is retained when a document library is migrated and the version history is turned off.
  • The original date of creation retained for document versions.
  • Original creation date and workflow modification date are retained.
  • Fixed bug in lookup columns.
  • Fixed migration sheets bug occurring with multiple calculated-field references.
  • Added option to copy file version history.
  • When migrating a workflow, option to create new tasks and/or history sheets.
  • The problem with downloading an Approval Workflow from a file was fixed.
  • Fixed authentication in SharePoint Online.
  • Updated SharePoint Client Object Model library.
  • Fixed migration workflow with .aspx-forms on SharePoint Online.
  • Fixed issue with the migration of sheets with a very large number of columns.
  • Fixed bug with lookup fields migration.
  • Fixed issue caused by divide by zero error in at least some cases.
  • Added logging of Migration lookup fields.
  • Migration of large files from site to site (used to be a timeout of 5 minutes per file).
  • Output to a log indicating the progress of downloading of large files added.
  • Failure caused by migration of tables with cross-references across lookup fields corrected.
  • Added check at startup to keep the window from extending beyond the area of the screen.
  • Added a secret key / ResetWindowPos to reset the window position.
  • Now Document Library Migration also includes migration of Document Sets used by the library.
  • Fixed bug in the migration of System content type.
  • Fixed bug with the migration of workflows referred to via a lookup value to a nonexistent column.
  • Fixed several bugs with the migration of OOTB Approval Workflow.
  • Option added to migrate associated lookup lists along with the main list.
  • Fixed bug occurring with SharePoint 2013 subsites.
  • Hierarchy in task-sheets is now retained after migration.
  • Now HTTPS is substituted instead of HTTP in the url for SharePoint Online.
  • Authorization corrected (interactive dialogue appears in the browser if you cannot log in automatically).
  • In the command-line parameter added to Tools/filter that allows bulk file uploads according to a mask or masks.
Version 2.1 released on September 10, 2014
  • A new feature for migrating term sets or groups between SharePoint environments has been added.
  • A new feature to save/upload term sets or groups to/from disks has been added.
  • The speed of loading SharePoint lists has been significantly improved.
  • New options to upload files to/from document libraries via the command-line utility have been added.
  • Now the program can save multiple content types to a disk at the same time.
  • A new wizard for saving SharePoint lists has been added.
  • Feature to save files to disk from multiple document libraries has been added.
Version 2.0 released on May 23, 2014
  • Feature to upload/download files and folder to/from SharePoint document library has been added.
  • A command-line tool (WorkflowMigratorCon.exe) to automate migration jobs has been added.
  • Various interface improvements.
  • Feature to save multiple lists to file has been added.
  • Option to automatically connect specified SharePoint site has been added.
Version 1.2 released on February 21, 2014
  • SharePoint Lists now can be migrated with document templates.
  • InfoPath document library migration added.
  • Now the product can migrate more than 2000 items in SharePoint Online.
  • HarePoint Import and Upload and HarePoint Workflow Migration have been significantly improved and merged into HarePoint Content and Workflow Migrator to simplify the migration issues and offer an all-in-one solution for our valued users.

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