The key features of HarePoint Analytics for SharePoint

Data Collection Features

Reporting Features

  • Real time reporting

    You can get SharePoint statistics as soon as needed. By default, report data is updating hourly, but you can reduce the interval even to one minute. Helps to track advertising campaigns and evaluate behavior of users practically in real time.
  • Compliance with laws on personal data collection

    You can configure the product to store MD5 hashes instead of some personal user data like name or e-mail. This feature is specially implemented for organizations subject to laws on personal data collection.
  • Powerful filtering during data collection

    The filtering system allows you to exclude any service requests generated by search engine crawlers and internal services, avoiding source data contamination; it also provides the possibility to exclude from statistics events like visits to various service pages (SharePoint Administration pages, statistic reports viewing pages etc.).
  • Active Directory integration and departmental reporting

    The product is closely integrated with Active Directory and offers high-level reports with grouping and filtration by departments, groups and business units. This facilitates evaluation of SharePoint technology utilization and exploration of behavior trends and patterns within the scope of the company's business units.
  • Web sites and Intranet portals

    Along with reporting for SharePoint and Active Directory users, the product is also designed to work on public web sites, where most visitors are not registered. Product offers identification of unique, new and returning anonymous visitors via cookie-based technology, and keeps visits, events and sessions history for them as well as for registered users.
  • Drill down and cross-linked reports

    The cross-linked reports system lets you drill down into data with a single click or go to another level of data presentation. All reports allow regrouping, re-sorting and re-ordering columns without any need to refresh the page.
  • Customizable Dashboard

    You can easily bring any data in any form from reports to the product's dashboard to be able get all important information in one moment.
  • Web parts with reports data

    Any report data or graph can be easily configured and published on portal pages. For example, you can show the most popular documents near the document library, or display a list of latest visitors on project pages.
  • Reusable filters and customized reports

    With re-grouping and re-sorting of report data, with flexible data filters on many report fields, you can create your own reports which show absolutely different information from the source report. The product offers the option of saving such report templates for quick future access.
  • Subscriptions to reports

    Reports can be sent by email in Excel or PDF form to chosen users or saved to a document library. Templates can be applied and the time when the report is generated and sent is flexible, e.g. every Monday at 8:00 am.
  • Multiple levels of data access permissions

    User privileges to access stored statistical data may be defined at the level of sites, reports, or even data types (user names, email addresses etc.). This helps to protect sensitive data and comply with personal data protection acts.
  • Comparison of two data sets over different time frames in a single report

    The feature of selecting and comparing date ranges makes the solution a 'true analytics' tool for all users: comparing reports can demonstrate the difference between selected periods visually - on graphs as well as provide details about changes in the report data tables.


  • Seamless integration without modification of content

    Comprehensive data collection about users' behavior on the web, including creation, modification or deletion of items as well as views of pages and documents. Takes place on the server side without adding scripts or modifying pages. Allows seamless product integration and guaranteed 100% capture of events.
  • No additional loading of SharePoint Servers

    This is achieved by using standard balancing technologies on the SharePoint platform and a multi-layered mechanism of data collection, accumulation and processing. The product can handle large volume of requests and withstand a burst of activity without any additional impact on server's performance.
  • Native solution for SharePoint

    Unlike universal analytical systems, such as Google Analytics, HarePoint offers web analysis consistent with the site structure, collects data on authorized users and groups, keeps track of user activities with lists and documents, and offers specialized administrative reports (growth in the number of sites, documents, database size), etc.
  • On-premise solution and unlimited data storage

    Unlike SharePoint usage reports, the product has no built-in limitations on data storage periods or volume. As a way to optimize database size, the product offers separate storage period settings for data from different levels. And unlike external web analytic solutions, you own your data!
  • Fast and easy deployment

    We offer a five-minute video illustrating product installation on a SharePoint platform of five servers plus initial configuration. That will convince you better than anything we say.

Our valued customers

HarePoint products are recognized by thousands of companies

  • Immofinanz
  • South Carolina Army National Guard
  • The World Bank
  • Aéroports de Montréal
  • Time Warner Cable