HarePoint Analytics for SharePoint 2016/2019/Subscription Edition
HarePoint Analytics for SharePoint 2013
HarePoint Analytics for SharePoint 2010
HarePoint Analytics for SharePoint 2007
Version 16.16 released on December 23, 2024
- Data Collection Fixes: We have resolved a significant issue affecting the collection of data from custom metadata of documents and list items, which previously caused periodic resets of collected data with the next recalculation.
- Support for Multiple Values: Users can now take advantage of added support for multiple values in custom metadata for documents and list items, providing greater flexibility in data management.
- Updated Device Compatibility: Our team has updated the definitions for browsers, operating systems, and mobile devices to ensure compatibility with the latest versions and modern devices.
- New Chart Policy: We introduced the fillareacharts policy, allowing users to enable filling for Area-type report charts.
- Locale Improvements: We've fixed an issue affecting certain locales that impacted the generation of the year selection field on the filtering form in By Month mode.
Version 16.15 released on December 28, 2023
Product changes:
- Fixed: Multi-page data displaying for the reports in "Users activity" group.
- Fixed: Displaying of the long document names for non-English languages in the Document Popularity report.
- Fixed: "Page time out" problem for the report in "Workflow" group for low-speed database servers.
Diagnostic utility changes:
- Fix for setting some policies from the aux utility.
- Fix for database data collection for the auxiliary utility.
- Fix for connecting and reconnecting databases.
- Fix for importing IIS logs for some site collection configurations.
Version 16.14 released on July 20, 2023
- Optimized: the data collection from SharePoint User Profile.
- Optimized: Checking of the users permissions.
- Optimized: encoding of data types displayed in encoded form in reports according to security policy settings.
- Fixed in the Diagnostics Utility: data export in CSV format.
- Fixed: the issue with displaying of the data in the Geolocation reports (when Modern WebParts are used).
- Fixed: the page layouts (calendars, element positions) for Arabic localization for Modern WebParts.
- Minor fixes.
Version 16.13 released on November 14, 2022
- Optimized: the data collection from Active Directory.
- Added: the 'collectadgroups' policy for activation/deactivation of data collection about groups for AD users.
- Added: the feature to switch off used databases. There is 'Detach' button in the settings and Diagnostics Utility.
- Added: the connection checking for existed databases depending of its type (queue database cannot be connected as statistic database and vice versa).
- Added: new 'Top Content Lite' report. It performs more faster than standard version of this report but it doesn't support filtering by users.
- Added: new data collection filter 'DocumentExtension'. It allows to exclude documents from collecting accordingly its extension.
- New feature in the Diagnostics Utility: frequently used request types can be exported in CSV.
- New feature in the Diagnostics Utility: button to activate disabled instances of the timer service.
- Now you can use alternate colors for charts. The 'alternativecolorsforreports' policy can be applied as well as corresponding checkbox in the chart settings.
- Fixed: the issue in the 'Content Popularity' report (when Modern WebParts are used).
- Fixed: the page layouts (calendars, element positions) for Arabic localization.
- Minor fixes.
Version 16.12 released on March 28, 2022
Version 16.11.2 released on December 5, 2021
Compatibility with SharePoint Server Subscription Edition.
Version 16.11 released on July 13, 2021
- Added: Power BI templates for viewing and managing SharePoint usage data collected by HarePoint Analytics.
- Added: a new column with a file size of the actual version of the document.
- Added: new 'Label' field to distinguish subscriptions with the same displayed parameters in reports subscriptions.
- Optimized: the operation with activation/deactivation of the data collection feature for site collections in the HarePoint Analytics diagnostics utility.
- Fixed: sorting feature for the diagrams in the classic reports dashboard.
- Fixed: saving a category name for discussions.
- Fixed: data collection for user`s followers.
- Updated documentation.
- Minor fixes.
Version 16.10 released on April 14, 2021
- Optimized: HarePoint Analytics for SharePoint: Preprocessor report data by month job for faster execution and lesser use of tempdb.
- Fixed: data collection algorithm for Sites and Lists size reports for big volumes of data.
- Fixed: error while attempt to connect already connected database.
- Added: seassionduration policy to control the duration of the session (default value is 20 minutes).
- Added: support for Lookup fields of documents and lists metadata.
- Updated User Guide.
- Added: tool to export/import the settings of the Analytics using the command line (HarePointAnalyticsUtil.exe -config save "path_to_xml_file", HarePointAnalyticsUtil.exe -config load "path_to_xml_file") to the additional toolbar.
- Added: a tool to simplify editing of user reports to the additional toolbar.
- Minor fixes.
Version released on January 6, 2021
- Added: Data collection by metadata of list items and documents. Corresponding fields will be added to all reports automatically (if data exists).
- Added: Possibility to add custom reports. Custom reports act as regular built-in reports: they can be added to web parts, included in subscriptions, assign access rights to them, etc.
- Added: skipadditionalfieldsformultifarm policy. It is ON by default to avoid problems with custom fields in AD, User profile, List item metadata, Documents metadata in case no data is available in such fields or if some fields are missing.
- Added: encryptadditionaluserinfo policy. It is responsible for encrypting the additional fields in the user data, such as Department for AD and SP and links to the User Profile in Sharepoint User Profiles. The new policy works in pair with encryptuserinfo policy. ON by default.
Version released on November 3, 2020
- Added: Page trend report as a drill-down form Content popularity report showing the usage trend of the particular page.
- Added: Modified field in Documents popularity report showing the latest document modification date.
- Added: GeoData (country code and city) for the Pageviews report.
- Added: Drill-down to the Pageviews report from the Visits by countries report.
- Added: Report period selection for subscriptions can be set as a relative offset to the current date for the Performance report.
- Added: Additional data sources for cross-farm reports.
- Changed: User count is refreshed once a month instead of once three months.
- Optimized: Periodic data collection timer job. Data collection engine will operate faster for a large number of site collections with HarePoint Analytics Feature turned off.
- Optimized: Newtonsoft.Json.dll is built into the main product library to avoid errors during the product upgrade.
- Optimized: Modern UI Web-part resources are moved to a separate wsp-solution adding the possibility of the web-part upgrade separate from the main product upgrade.
- Fixed: duplicating data in Websites without visits report.
- Fixed: error while opening the subscription page in Unused documents report.
- Fixed: Visits counter in Landing pages report for site and subsite level.
- Fixed: calculations of Visit start page and Visit end page for the Visits report.
- Minor fixes.
Version released on July 20, 2020
- Added: Modern Page webpart.
- Added: new policies for modern webparts - "restCacheLimit" to configure the cache size accessible by HarePoint Analytics reports.
- Fixed: error in ribbon date filter for "Preceding Three Month", "Half of a Year" and "Year" periods.
- Added: database version check before "Processor of message queue" timer job starts. If the version of the database does not correspond with the version of the required libraries the timer job does not start.
- Corrected: the visual appearance of the report period selectors are generalized for regular reports and webpart reports.
- Updated: mobile devices, browsers, and platforms parsers.
- Updated: geolocation database download link.
- Added: setting for report subscription email priority policy. "mailpriority" Policy. Values - high, normal, low.
- Added: "Source page" filter for "Content popularity" report (works only on daily reports).
- Added: "Bounces" and "Bounce rate" fields for "Sites summary" report in site collection level as well as in "Site collection summary" and "Sites summary" in farm-level reports (central admin).
- Fixed: data collection errors resulting in Access denied error.
- Fixed: Erroneous server requests the users of which cannot be identified (user data is missing in the request) are logged as anonymous requests without generating errors in the ULS log.
- Added: Vendor column in "Mobile devices" report. Removed drill-down filter in device version report as irrelevant.
- Fixed: "Visits" report for "Mobile devices", "Browsers", "Platforms", "Length of visits", "Depth of visits" reports for sites with sub-sites.
Version released on December 24, 2019
- The product performance has been significantly enhanced with totally new Periodic data collection timer job.
- Two policies for Periodic data collection time job have been added:
- incrementalCrawler - define a method which the timer job uses for the data collection: Full or Incremental. The policy is Inactive by default that means timer job collects full data each start.
- crawlerThreadCount - set up the number of threads for farm's scope data collection. Value '1' is used by default.
- The filtering by anonymous users has been added to all reports.
- The policy for hiding positive filters for the data collection filters 'hidePositiveFilters' has been added. The policy is active by default.
- The issue with data preparation for the 'Events popularity' report has been fixed.
- The issue with search queries tracking has been fixed. The unclear queries will not be added in queue database and slow down the data processing.
- The issue with exporting to Excel the reports which contain data field like 'Duration' has been fixed.
- The 'Visitor trends' report displaying on the Overview page has been fixed.
- The installer has been optimized. There are no more faults when some of web.config files cannot be updated.
- Some other minor fixes.
Version released on June 17, 2019
- Data collection on usage of the Search on web-sites with modern user interface is supported now in Sharepoint 2019.
- Automatic update for IP Database is fixed now.
- New policy to allow data collection activation and deactivation by farm admin only has been added. When this policy is not used - both Farm Admin and Site Collection Owner can manage data collection for the site collection.
- The issue with modifications of web.config during solution installation or update has been fixed.
- Changes in HarePoint Analytics timer jobs operation: now 'Processor of message queue' timer job is not disabled while 'Preliminary data preparation' timer job is running.
- Many of the reports have been optimized for faster generation: Visits, Unused documents, Site summary and others.
- The problem with applying binary filters (for example filter 'Active Directory logons only') has been fixed.
- The problem with Users' data double-encryption has been fixed. Also, the policy to activate users' data encryption has been added to the HarePoint Analytics Diagnostic utility.
- The data preparation for the 'Visits' report has been optimized for the speed.
- The data collection for AD groups has been fixed.
- The policy that allows report export in the old style has been added.
- Operations with the User profile service has been fixed.
- A new policy has been added: the policy limits the creation of a document library tree up to the current Site subscription (for multi-tenant systems) for automatic data export by subscription.
- The issue with data collection on Documents and List Items view on the sites with the modern UI on SharePoint 2019 has been fixed.
- Now the web-part reports allow comparison of two data ranges as it already did for the dashboard reports.
Version released on January 5, 2019
- The monthly data processing scripts have been optimized for speed.
- The daily data processing algorithm have been changed to prevent data loss in previous days' reports if processing of new daily data ends with exception.
- 'tempdb' and 'transaction log' have been optimized for a large volume of unprocessed data.
- Fonts and chart design for all reports have been changed.
- Changed font and chart design for all reports exported to PDF.
- The filtering for Active directory and SharePoint User profile data fields has been redesigned for the Farm Level reports.
- The duplication of reports data caused by user profiles duplicates has been fixed.
- The 'Site collection visits' field has been added to the 'Visitors' report on the Farm scope.
- The error with opening of 'Site summary' report by months has been fixed.
- The operations with 'User profile' filters have been optimized.
- The User profile data encryption has been added according to the 'encryptuserinfo' policy.
- The functioning of 'excluding' filter for string values in reporting data has been fixed.
- The column 'Size' has been added to the 'Web sites without visits' report on the Farm scope.
- The functionality of changing the data range in the product reports while working with drilldown feature have been turned off. Now the data range can be setup and changed in the 'Filters' pane only.
- The policy to change the data source of document's author name has been added. Now it is possible to select between list item and the author of the document meta.
- The issue related with adding a Site level webparts to Site Collection level dashboard page has been fixed.
- 'By dates' filter has been added to the 'Database size overview' report on the Farm scope.
- The issue with buttons for setting up the data range in comparative reports has been fixed.
- The issue with saving of List item rating has been fixed.
Version released on September 10, 2018
- Option to compare data in two data ranges is added in the reports now.
- Excel worksheet password protection is added to the report exporting rules.
- The Pageviews report data processing is optimized for the speedy work.
- The product keeps the selected data range when you navigate across reports now.
- Content type data is collected for documents now (the policy 'stsadm -o mlstsetpolicy -collectcontenttypes true' should be activated).
- All changes in data collection filters are logged now.
- The issue with 'JS Events' report preparing (when the database contains uncompleted hits) has been fixed.
- The 'Site summary' report has been fixed for monthly data view.
- Data collection for embedded AD groups has been fixed.
- The reports Documents popularity, Documents usage and Unused documents are enriched with the new data: 'Document creation date'
- The web-part view is modified to account for improper configuration of the web-part.
- Incorrect drill-down links in some reports have been removed.
- The possible blocking of the SQL table during the same-time activity of Periodic data collection and Preliminary data preparation Timer jobs has been fixed.
- The error occurring on opening of 'Unused documents', 'Unused pages', and the 'Web-sites without visits' reports with some configurations of SQL servers has been fixed.
- The issue with lacking of 'Chart' button in reports for SharePoint 2013 with 2010 user interface has been fixed.
- The issue with the user data secondary encryption over the previously encrypted data has been fixed.
- Data processing for document- and list-item-related reports has been optimized to speed up processing and reduce generation time.
- The data source re-initialization occurring every 20 minutes has been added for the following reports: Pageviews, Documents usage, List items usage, Navigation details, Visits, and User searches. This prevents freezing of the reports opened on a page for a long time.
- The Timer Job execution server selection button is fixed in the Analytics Diagnostics tool.
- The issue with inability to indicate the time-frame for more than 12 hours in the diagnostic tool (when system has 24-hour format) has been fixed.
Version released on March 12, 2018
New reports on SharePoint Social Features have been added:
- Users social activity
- List items popularity by rating
- List items social usage
- Documents social popularity
- Documents social usage
- Blog posts popularity
- Blog posts usage
- Discussions popularity
- Discussions usage
- Community site summary
Improvements and fixes:
- The data processing for 'Unused documents' report is optimized.
- The templates #CURRENT_USERNAME# and #CURRENT_USERLOGIN# have been added in the filters of the HarePoint Analytics web-part.
- The data collection for the custom fields from Active Directory and SharePoint User Profile for users who logged in using form-based authentication has been fixed.
- The 'Visits' report generation with 'UserId' filter has been fixed.
- Fixed the default value for the 'date range' filters.
- The reports have been enriched with text filters for document libraries and lists.
- The report 'Documents by site' can now be filtered by the document library.
- Fixed the date filter for the filters in the web-part, Templates and Subscriptions for the reports 'Unused documents', 'Unused pages' and 'Web-sites without visits'.
- The web-part settings allow now to get report export links above the report.
- Fixed the issue appearing during web-part editing.
- Data collection filter for 'http response status code' has been added.
Version released on October 26, 2017
- Filters and columns with custom fields from Active Directory and User profile are added to the Users Summary report at the farm level.
- Search reports now display queries made for people search scope.
- Added checking of viewing rights for each report displayed on the Overview Dashboard.
- Reports now take into account the viewing of documents from Microsoft Visio.
- HarePoint Analytic utility now has the capability to connect and create databases.
- Optimization of the module for collecting information about activity on the site: views, downloads, visits, and 404 errors.
- Added a policy that disables the collection of information about 404 errors.
- Optimized collection of information and building reports that use custom fields from Active Directory and User profiles.
- Optimized periodic data collection for working with documents.
- Preliminary data preparation timer job was improved to be used for unused documents report.
- Fixed operation of cache in multithreaded mode.
- Fixed tracking of document downloading.
- Corrected the overflow error occurring during report generation for fields displaying time values (duration of visit, time spent on page, etc.).
- Corrected grouping of report data in Web-parts.
- Corrected paging size setting for the number of rows in the report table.
- Fixed data collection for performance reports when using new types of SharePoint 2016 servers.
- Corrected the error of collecting data on Content types, in cases when there are more than 2000.
- In the Users activity report, inactive users are no longer displayed.
- Fixed tracking of views from Microsoft Office desktop applications, Office Web Apps, Office Online Server.
- Corrected data collection errors in cases where the User profile service was unavailable.
- Corrected the error occurring when using drill down filters in Users Activity report on the Overview Dashboard.
- JavaScript-events now support work with code including non-standard regional symbols.
- Fixed error occurring when editing templates for reports in Central Administration.
- Fixed a number of problems when collecting data for Workflow reports.
- Fixed incorrect display of the current sort and editing it in the chart settings dialog.
- Now when using drill down filters, the selected site scope is maintained.
Version released on April 3, 2017
New features:
- It's possible now to extend the set of collected data from Active directory and SharePoint User profile, the data can be displayed in the product reports and can be used for filtering.
- Additional column has been added to all reports: it contains Web-site URL.
Improvements and bugfixes:
- The list of the document library folders is displayed now accordingly to current user permissions when a subscription to the reports is created.(it can be turned off with the policy 'usesecuredexporttree').
- A new policy 'usewebpartstandardpermission' has been added. It's applicable is to turn off 'Manage permission' checking during operating with HarePoint web-parts (intended for a user who has this permission blocked on the farm level for any reason).
- The data summary column in the 'Site collections summary' report has been fixed.
- Some fixes in data collection module provide better compatibility with SharePoint 2016.
- The 'event receiver' has been optimized to provide faster data collection of list item editing, moving or removing events.
- The generation of links to a full report in web-parts has been fixed.
- The saving of timer jobs schedule settings during product updating has been added.
- The issue with 'cloned' sub-sites (sub-sites with the identical IDs and content), when data in the reports are crossed between different site collections has been fixed.
- The export of a report with a single column that is used for grouping, has been fixed.
- The Overview page (main dashboard) has been optimized, permissions checks for display of each dashboard report has been added.
- Modifiers in web.config unnecessary for SharePoint 2016 for have been removed.
- IIS logs importer activity has been fixed (occurred when some Web applications with the same port existed in the farm).
- The permission checking in charts creation has been fixed (access error for opening could appear in some cases).
- The operating of 'DateTime' type filters has been fixed (some system data/time formats could generate errors).
- The processor counting in the system has been fixed for performance reports.
- The double URL encoding displayed in the reports has been fixed.
- Periodic data collection timer job has been optimized.
- A warning message, which appears during the creation of positive filters to prevent data loss when data collection filters are used improperly, has been added.
- Some other minor fixes.
Version 16.0.1 released on September 12, 2016
- Corrected function with list of filters when opening the form for editing subscriptions to a report.
- Changed the Access denied form to correspond with standard forms for SharePoint 2016.
- New support group (SharePoint group) added when adding recipients in a report's subscription form.
- Corrected collection of site and site collection information when 404 errors occur.
- Correction of cache conflict leading to error when carrying out jobs in the queue.
- Correction of error that resulted in 'liking' malfunctions for users with read only access.
- Correction of error in workflow data collection resulting in incomplete data.
- Correction of error in the Chart button in the Visits by countries report.
- Other minor corrections.
Version 16.0 released on July 26, 2016
- First public release.
- All improvements and fixes made in HarePoint Analytics for SharePoint 2013 are included.
Version 15.18 released on December 28, 2023
Product changes:
- Fixed: Multi-page data displaying for the reports in "Users activity" group.
- Fixed: Displaying of the long document names for non-English languages in the Document Popularity report.
- fixed: "Page time out" problem for the report in "Workflow" group for low-speed database servers.
Diagnostic utility changes:
- Fix for setting some policies from the aux utility.
- Fix for database data collection for the auxiliary utility.
- Fix for connecting and reconnecting databases.
- Fix for importing IIS logs for some site collection configurations.
Version 15.17 released on July 20, 2023
- Optimized: the data collection from SharePoint User Profile.
- Optimized: Checking of the users permissions.
- Optimized: encoding of data types displayed in encoded form in reports according to security policy settings.
- Fixed in the Diagnostics Utility: data export in CSV format.
- Fixed: the issue with displaying of the data in the Geolocation reports (when Modern WebParts are used).
- Fixed: the page layouts (calendars, element positions) for Arabic localization for Modern WebParts.
- Minor fixes.
Version 15.16 released on July 13, 2021
- Added: Power BI templates for viewing and managing SharePoint usage data collected by HarePoint Analytics.
- Added: a new column with a file size of the actual version of the document.
- Added: new 'Label' field to distinguish subscriptions with the same displayed parameters in reports subscriptions.
- Optimized: the operation with activation/deactivation of the data collection feature for site collections in the HarePoint Analytics diagnostics utility.
- Fixed: sorting feature for the diagrams in the classic reports dashboard.
- Fixed: saving a category name for discussions.
- Fixed: data collection for user`s followers.
- Updated product documentation.
- Minor fixes.
Version 15.15 released on April 14, 2021
- Optimized: HarePoint Analytics for SharePoint: Preprocessor report data by month job for faster execution and lesser use of tempdb.
- Fixed: data collection algorithm for Sites and Lists size reports for big volumes of data.
- Fixed: error while attempt to connect already connected database.
- Added: seassionduration policy to control the duration of the session (default value is 20 minutes).
- Added: support for Lookup fields of documents and lists metadata.
- Updated User Guide.
- Added: tool to export/import the settings of the Analytics using the command line (HarePointAnalyticsUtil.exe -config save "path_to_xml_file", HarePointAnalyticsUtil.exe -config load "path_to_xml_file") to the additional toolbar.
- Added: a tool to simplify editing of user reports to the additional toolbar.
- Minor fixes.
Version released on January 6, 2021
- Added: Data collection by metadata of list items and documents. Corresponding fields will be added to all reports automatically (if data exists).
- Added: Possibility to add custom reports. Custom reports act as regular built-in reports: they can be added to web parts, included in subscriptions, assign access rights to them, etc.
- Added: skipadditionalfieldsformultifarm policy. It is ON by default to avoid problems with custom fields in AD, User profile, List item metadata, Documents metadata in case no data is available in such fields or if some fields are missing.
- Added: encryptadditionaluserinfo policy. It is responsible for encrypting the additional fields in the user data, such as Department for AD and SP and links to the User Profile in Sharepoint User Profiles. The new policy works in pair with encryptuserinfo policy. ON by default.
Version released on November 3, 2020
- Added: Page trend report as a drill-down form Content popularity report showing the usage trend of the particular page.
- Added: Modified field in Documents popularity report showing the latest document modification date.
- Added: GeoData (country code and city) for the Pageviews report.
- Added: Drill-down to the Pageviews report from the Visits by countries report.
- Added: Report period selection for subscriptions can be set as a relative offset to the current date for the Performance report.
- Added: Additional data sources for cross-farm reports.
- Changed: User count is refreshed once a month instead of once three months.
- Optimized: Periodic data collection timer job. Data collection engine will operate faster for a large number of site collections with HarePoint Analytics Feature turned off.
- Optimized: Newtonsoft.Json.dll is built into the main product library to avoid errors during the product upgrade.
- Fixed: duplicating data in Websites without visits report.
- Fixed: error while opening the subscription page in Unused documents report.
- Fixed: Visits counter in Landing pages report for site and subsite level.
- Fixed: calculations of Visit start page and Visit end page for the Visits report.
- Minor fixes.
Version released on July 20, 2020
- Added: new policies for modern webparts - "restCacheLimit" to configure the cache size accessible by HarePoint Analytics reports.
- Fixed: error in ribbon date filter for "Preceding Three Month", "Half of a Year" and "Year" periods.
- Added: database version check before "Processor of message queue" timer job starts. If the version of the database does not correspond with the version of the required libraries the timer job does not start.
- Corrected: the visual appearance of the report period selectors are generalized for regular reports and webpart reports.
- Updated: mobile devices, browsers, and platforms parsers.
- Updated: geolocation database download link.
- Added: setting for report subscription email priority policy. "mailpriority" Policy. Values - high, normal, low.
- Added: "Source page" filter for "Content popularity" report (works only on daily reports).
- Added: "Bounces" and "Bounce rate" fields for "Sites summary" report in site collection level as well as in "Site collection summary" and "Sites summary" in farm-level reports (central admin).
- Fixed: data collection errors resulting in Access denied error.
- Fixed: Erroneous server requests the users of which cannot be identified (user data is missing in the request) are logged as anonymous requests without generating errors in the ULS log.
- Added: Vendor column in "Mobile devices" report. Removed drill-down filter in device version report as irrelevant.
- Fixed: "Visits" report for "Mobile devices", "Browsers", "Platforms", "Length of visits", "Depth of visits" reports for sites with sub-sites.
Version released on December 24, 2019
- The product performance has been significantly enhanced with totally new Periodic data collection timer job.
- Two policies for Periodic data collection time job have been added:
- incrementalCrawler - define a method which the timer job uses for the data collection: Full or Incremental. The policy is Inactive by default that means timer job collects full data each start.
- crawlerThreadCount - set up the number of threads for farm's scope data collection. Value '1' is used by default.
- The filtering by anonymous users has been added to all reports.
- The policy for hiding positive filters for the data collection filters 'hidePositiveFilters' has been added. The policy is active by default.
- The issue with data preparation for the 'Events popularity' report has been fixed.
- The issue with search queries tracking has been fixed. The unclear queries will not be added in queue database and slow down the data processing.
- The issue with exporting to Excel the reports which contain data field like 'Duration' has been fixed.
- The 'Visitor trends' report displaying on the Overview page has been fixed.
- The installer has been optimized. There are no more faults when some of web.config files cannot be updated.
- Some other minor fixes.
Version released on June 17, 2019
- Automatic update for IP Database is fixed now.
- New policy to allow data collection activation and deactivation by farm admin only has been added. When this policy is not used - both Farm Admin and Site Collection Owner can manage data collection for the site collection.
- The issue with modifications of web.config during solution installation or update has been fixed.
- Changes in HarePoint Analytics timer jobs operation: now 'Processor of message queue' timer job is not disabled while 'Preliminary data preparation' timer job is running.
- Many of the reports have been optimized for faster generation: Visits, Unused documents, Site summary and others.
- The problem with applying binary filters (for example filter 'Active Directory logons only') has been fixed.
- The problem with Users' data double-encryption has been fixed. Also, the policy to activate users' data encryption has been added to the HarePoint Analytics Diagnostic utility.
- The data preparation for the 'Visits' report has been optimized for the speed.
- The data collection for AD groups has been fixed.
- The policy that allows report export in the old style has been added.
- Operations with the User profile service has been fixed.
- A new policy has been added: the policy limits the creation of a document library tree up to the current Site subscription (for multi-tenant systems) for automatic data export by subscription.
- Now the web-part reports allow comparison of two data ranges as it already did for the dashboard reports.
Version released on January 5, 2019
- The monthly data processing scripts have been optimized for speed.
- The daily data processing algorithm have been changed to prevent data loss in previous days' reports if processing of new daily data ends with exception.
- 'tempdb' and 'transaction log' have been optimized for a large volume of unprocessed data.
- Fonts and chart design for all reports have been changed.
- Changed font and chart design for all reports exported to PDF.
- The filtering for Active directory and SharePoint User profile data fields has been redesigned for the Farm Level reports.
- The duplication of reports data caused by user profiles duplicates has been fixed.
- The 'Site collection visits' field has been added to the 'Visitors' report on the Farm scope.
- The error with opening of 'Site summary' report by months has been fixed.
- The operations with 'User profile' filters have been optimized.
- The User profile data encryption has been added according to the 'encryptuserinfo' policy.
- The functioning of 'excluding' filter for string values in reporting data has been fixed.
- The column 'Size' has been added to the 'Web sites without visits' report on the Farm scope.
- The functionality of changing the data range in the product reports while working with drilldown feature have been turned off. Now the data range can be setup and changed in the 'Filters' pane only.
- The policy to change the data source of document's author name has been added. Now it is possible to select between list item and the author of the document meta.
- The issue related with adding a Site level webparts to Site Collection level dashboard page has been fixed.
- 'By dates' filter has been added to the 'Database size overview' report on the Farm scope.
- The issue with buttons for setting up the data range in comparative reports has been fixed.
- The issue with saving of List item rating has been fixed.
Version released on September 10, 2018
- Option to compare data in two data ranges is added in the reports now.
- Excel worksheet password protection is added to the report exporting rules.
- The Pageviews report data processing is optimized for the speedy work.
- The product keeps the selected data range when you navigate across reports now.
- Content type data is collected for documents now (the policy 'stsadm -o mlstsetpolicy -collectcontenttypes true' should be activated).
- All changes in data collection filters are logged now.
- The issue with 'JS Events' report preparing (when the database contains uncompleted hits) has been fixed.
- The 'Site summary' report has been fixed for monthly data view.
- Data collection for embedded AD groups has been fixed.
- The reports Documents popularity, Documents usage and Unused documents are enriched with the new data: 'Document creation date'
- The web-part view is modified to account for improper configuration of the web-part.
- Incorrect drill-down links in some reports have been removed.
- The possible blocking of the SQL table during the same-time activity of Periodic data collection and Preliminary data preparation Timer jobs has been fixed.
- The error occurring on opening of 'Unused documents', 'Unused pages', and the 'Web-sites without visits' reports with some configurations of SQL servers has been fixed.
- The issue with lacking of 'Chart' button in reports for SharePoint 2013 with 2010 user interface has been fixed.
- The issue with the user data secondary encryption over the previously encrypted data has been fixed.
- Data processing for document- and list-item-related reports has been optimized to speed up processing and reduce generation time.
- The data source re-initialization occurring every 20 minutes has been added for the following reports: Pageviews, Documents usage, List items usage, Navigation details, Visits, and User searches. This prevents freezing of the reports opened on a page for a long time.
- The Timer Job execution server selection button is fixed in the Analytics Diagnostics tool.
- The issue with inability to indicate the time-frame for more than 12 hours in the diagnostic utility (when system has 24-hour format) has been fixed.
Version released on March 12, 2018
New reports on SharePoint Social Features have been added:
- Users social activity
- List items popularity by rating
- List items social usage
- Documents social popularity
- Documents social usage
- Blog posts popularity
- Blog posts usage
- Discussions popularity
- Discussions usage
- Community site summary
Improvements and fixes:
- The data processing for 'Unused documents' report is optimized.
- The templates #CURRENT_USERNAME# and #CURRENT_USERLOGIN# have been added in the filters of the HarePoint Analytics web-part.
- The data collection for the custom fields from Active Directory and SharePoint User Profile for users who logged in using form-based authentication has been fixed.
- The Visits report generation with 'UserId' filter has been fixed.
- Fixed the default value for the 'date range' filters.
- The reports have been enriched with text filters for document libraries and lists.
- The report 'Documents by site' can now be filtered by the document library.
- Fixed the date filter for the filters in the web-part, Templates and Subscriptions for the reports 'Unused documents', 'Unused pages' and Web-sites without visits.
- The web-part settings allow now to get report export links above the report.
- Fixed the issue appearing during web-part editing.
- Data collection filter for 'http response status code' has been added.
Version released on October 26, 2017
- Filters and columns with custom fields from Active Directory and User profile are added to the Users Summary report at the farm level.
- Search reports now display queries made for people search scope.
- Added checking of viewing rights for each report displayed on the Overview Dashboard.
- Reports now take into account the viewing of documents from Microsoft Visio.
- HarePoint Analytic utility now has the capability to connect and create databases.
- Optimization of the module for collecting information about activity on the site: views, downloads, visits, and 404 errors.
- Added a policy that disables the collection of information about 404 errors.
- Optimized collection of information and building reports that use custom fields from Active Directory and User profiles.
- Optimized periodic data collection for working with documents.
- Preliminary data preparation timer job was improved to be used for unused documents report.
- Fixed operation of cache in multithreaded mode.
- Fixed tracking of document downloading.
- Corrected the overflow error occurring during report generation for fields displaying time values (duration of visit, time spent on page, etc.).
- Corrected grouping of report data in Web-parts.
- Corrected paging size setting for the number of rows in the report table.
- Fixed data collection for performance reports when using new types of SharePoint 2016 servers.
- Corrected the error of collecting data on Content types, in cases when there are more than 2000.
- In the Users activity report, inactive users are no longer displayed.
- Fixed tracking of views from Microsoft Office desktop applications, Office Web Apps, Office Online Server.
- Corrected data collection errors in cases where the User profile service was unavailable.
- Corrected the error occurring when using drill down filters in Users Activity report on the Overview Dashboard.
- JavaScript-events now support work with code including non-standard regional symbols.
- Fixed error occurring when editing templates for reports in Central Administration.
- Fixed a number of problems when collecting data for Workflow reports.
- Fixed incorrect display of the current sort and editing it in the chart settings dialog.
- Now when using drill down filters, the selected site scope is maintained.
Version released on April 3, 2017
New features:
- It's possible now to extend the set of collected data from Active directory and SharePoint User profile, the data can be displayed in the product reports and can be used for filtering.
- Additional column has been added to all reports: it contains Web-site URL.
- The possibility to use customizable dashboard on sub-sites with SharePoint 2010 User Interface has been added.
Improvements and bugfixes:
- The list of the document library folders is displayed now accordingly to current user permissions when a subscription to the reports is created.(it can be turned off with the policy 'usesecuredexporttree').
- A new policy 'usewebpartstandardpermission' has been added. It's applicable is to turn off 'Manage permission' checking during operating with HarePoint web-parts (intended for a user who has this permission blocked on the farm level for any reason).
- The data summary column in the 'Site collections summary' report has been fixed.
- Some fixes in data collection module provide better compatibility with SharePoint 2013.
- The 'event receiver' has been optimized to provide faster data collection of list item editing, moving or removing events.
- The generation of links to a full report in web-parts has been fixed.
- The saving of timer jobs schedule settings during product updating has been added.
- The issue with 'cloned' sub-sites (sub-sites with the identical IDs and content), when data in the reports are crossed between different site collections has been fixed.
- The export of a report with a single column that is used for grouping, has been fixed.
- The Overview page (main dashboard) has been optimized, permissions checks for display of each dashboard report has been added.
- Modifiers in web.config unnecessary for SharePoint 2013 for have been removed.
- IIS logs importer activity has been fixed (occurred when some Web applications with the same port existed in the farm).
- The permission checking in charts creation has been fixed (access error for opening could appear in some cases).
- The operating of 'DateTime' type filters has been fixed (some system data/time formats could generate errors).
- The filtering page for the SharePoint 2010 User Interface has been fixed.
- The processor counting in the system has been fixed for performance reports.
- The double URL encoding displayed in the reports has been fixed.
- Periodic data collection timer job has been optimized.
- A warning message, which appears during the creation of positive filters to prevent data loss when data collection filters are used improperly, has been added.
- Some other minor fixes.
Version 15.5.2 released on September 12, 2016
- Corrected function with list of filters when opening the form for editing subscriptions to a report.
- Changed the Access denied form to correspond with standard forms for SharePoint 2013.
- New support group (SharePoint group) added when adding recipients in a report's subscription form.
- Corrected collection of site and site collection information when 404 errors occur.
- Correction of cache conflict leading to error when carrying out jobs in the queue.
- Correction of error in workflow data collection resulting in incomplete data.
- Correction of error in the Chart button in the Visits by countries report.
- Other minor corrections.
Version 15.5 released on July 26, 2016
Corrected reports:
- Unused documents: corrected inexact definition of 'unused' for some types of documents.
- Users summary: corrected calculation of data in the Added column.
- List growth trends and Documents growth trends: corrected error in data calculation for the beginning date of the chosen reporting period.
- Pageviews: corrected AD Logon filter.
- Events popularity: corrected calculation of summary data for sites and subsites.
- Visits: corrected Returned filter in report scope for sites with subsites.
- Visits by countries: completely rebuilt for a more exact determination of location data and for better performance.
Added policy options:
- to turn off data collection for the size of sites collectwebsize (can be very long in collecting on large sites).
- to manage scope for a compiled list of sites in the subscription form in the exportusewebappasroot report. Now this list can be built for the entire web app or for only the current site collection.
- to manage the date format for export of PDF reports in exportpdfdateformat ("default" � either the original default or a format written like this).
Other improvements and fixes:
- Corrected problem with blocking of some form elements when editing report templates.
- Corrected work with message templates when subscribing to a report.
- Optimized export to Excel and complete transfer to XLSX.
- Added user email selection from the User profile when sending the report by subscription.
- Corrected work with JS events - now reports indicate the page where the event was called in the URl column, not hae.png.
- Added support for event viewing through Office web app server.
- Corrected error in handling years in filters based on month data.
- Corrected calculation of the total number of users for licensing. Prefixes indicating claims based authentication not counted.
- Added Visitor trend report at the farm level.
- Added German localization.
- Documentation updated.
- Other minor corrections.
Version 15.4.10 released on March 28, 2016
- Added filters to the collection module proper handling of work done through SharePoint Designer.
- Error causing failure in collection of workflow data corrected.
- Workaround for situation where hit data does not enter the database when the user login is undetermined.
- Interface re-worked for websites with the old (2007) style. Now reports for such sites have the 2010 style;
- Optimized subscription form for reports, error occurring upon opening also corrected.
- Corrected checking of access rights for export/subscription.
- Added support in filters of screened links (no longer necessary to replace spaces with %20, etc.).
- Corrected calculation of authors for the Document Usage Overview report.
- List of document libraries for filters in the Document libraries usage report corrected.
- Added filtration of site collections to the activities tab in our feature in the Diagnostic Utility.
- Corrected error in checking access permissions for users added through AD groups.
- Work with encrypted user data modified: now collection filters by user parameters (login, name, etc.) are processed correctly.
- File name format when exporting now works for export of document libraries.
- Correction made to prevent possible failing of the Periodic data collection job when collecting document information.
- Updated system for identification of browsers, operating systems, and mobile devices.
- Optimized preparation of data for the Documents Usage report.
- Other minor corrections and changes.
Version 15.4.9 released on December 11, 2015
- Support for tracking of search behavior on the 2010 interface.
- Corrected export of hyperlinks for pdf and xlsx files.
- Error in data sorting when exporting reports in PDF format corrected.
- Error in data filtration in reports when extremely large amount of data in database corrected.
- Optimization of generation of Web-site details reports at the farm level (in Central Administration).
- Mechanism to avoid a repeated launch of timer tasks added.
- Added handling of errors during data collection on SharePoint lists.
- Increased performance of data collection from AD.
- Error causing interruption of http query when querying owssvr.dll file corrected.
- Added URL column in the Sites summary report.
- Added handling of errors in cases of invalid messages in a message queue.
- Error causing incorrect visits for subsites in the Users Activity report corrected.
- Error showing duplicate visits for subsites in the Visits report corrected.
- Error showing empty Start page column in Visits report corrected.
- Error in filters for AD groups for subscribed reports corrected.
- Setting for the web part added, allowing saving of the current filter in link to the full report.
- Error occurring with collection of user data corrected.
- Option to assign the name of the attached report file (for subscriptions).
- Optimization of report loading in the web part.
- Capability for filtering lists by its full name and path is added.
- Error causing inexact count of users and visitors in the Visitor Trends reports at the site level corrected.
- Handling of multiple Web applications which work on the same port during import of IIS logs added.
- Added button on the main tools tab for export of all transactions launched in the analytics base to a file.
- Optimization of preparation of daily and monthly reports.
- Other minor corrections and improvements.
Version 15.4.8 released on July 15, 2015
- Diagnostic utility update: capability to apply or delete specified web.config modifications is added.
- Diagnostic utility update: analyzing and calculation of the most used resource types is added. This feature helps you to determine the resources which can be excluded from data collection by the filters.
- IIS Log importing utility is updated.
- Report Pageviews is fixed for the cases when users with incorrect Visitor ID is collected and displayed in the report.
- Timer job to collect periodic data is rebuilt for improved performance and reliability.
- Cross site scripting problem is fixed in the reports.
- Users Activity report is optimized.
- New options for managing export of the URLs in reports as PDF and XLS files. By default URLs are exported as plain text.
- Filtering problem in the report Document Usage is fixed.
- Other minor fixes.
Version 15.4.7 released on June 4, 2015
- Corrected script for collection of search data on SharePoint sites.
- Corrected Pageviews report error occurring when visitor ID is not determined or determined incorrectly.
- Corrected error causing crashing of Periodic data collection timer job in cases when trying to access an inaccessible site collection.
- Diagnostics utility expanded: capability to install and delete selected modifications to web.config; new tool for analysis of data in queue for configuration of data collection filters.
- Other minor improvements and corrections.
Version 15.4.6 released on March 13, 2015
- Third-party components used in the product (DevExpress libraries) are updated to exclude possible conflicts with other applications which use the same components.
- Optimization for data processing speed for the "Events popularity" report.
- Optimization for data processing speed for the monthly data processing timer job.
- Changes in the IIS log files importer utility to avoid import of duplicated data.
- New feature: processing of the backlog data (excluding data from the current day) without disabling of "Queue data processor timer job".
- Changes in the texts on the report subscription form.
- Fixes for the expand- collapse controls in the Filters pane for Mac OS.
- Discarding of incomplete search records to decrease number of exceptions in the SharePoint ULS logs and the amount of data stored in the queue DB.
Version 15.4.3 released on January 19, 2015
- Exporting of reports into a document library is fixed.
- New, optimized dashboard.
- Ribbon buttons to add report templates and edition is fixed.
- Data processing speed is optimized for "Visitor trends", "Browsers", "Platforms", "Visits by hours", "Visits length", "Visits depth", "Geolocation", and "Mobile devices" reports.
- Problem with data collection on the workflows which occurred in some configurations is fixed.
- New column "Downloaded" added in "Documents by type", "Documents by users", "Documents by SPGroups" reports. Please note that this column is not displayed in the reports by default.
- New filter by "Web applications" added in the "Users summary" farm-scope reports.
- Reports on usage of the search are now available on the Farm scope.
- Diagnostics tool is updated.
- New filter by Url added in the Farm scope report "Site collection summary".
- "SharePoint group" filter is fixed in the "Documents popularity" report.
- Filter by AD Group is added in a number of reports.
- Fixes in javascript for the web-part.
- Problem with checking of the users permissions for the web-part is fixed.
- Fixes for chart graphics.
- Problem with storing sorting rules in the report templates is fixed.
- New filter "AD Description" is added in a number of reports.
- Progress bar for the "Report data preprocessor" timer job is adjusted to display data processing flow more precisely.
- Problem with export of the reports "Documents usage" when file type filter used fixed.
- A warning message is added when a long time export task is going to be started by the user.
- Checking of permissions on report template edition is fixed.
- New report about User Profile Data completion is added.
- A workaround to support several versions of Dev Express components in the framework of one major version of the product is added.
- Other small changes and optimizations.
Version 15.4 released on October 1, 2014
- German Language Pack is now added.
- Problem with data collection on search results is fixed.
- Problem with duplicated records in the report "Site Summary" is fixed.
- Problem with deletion of subscription to reports is fixed.
- Performance optimizations for queue data processing.
- Problem with user count in Visitor Trends report is fixed.
- Problem with occasionally disabled ribbon buttons on the report page is fixed.
- Problem with report exporting into document library is fixed.
- Daily data processing script for Visitor Trends report is optimized.
- Problems with data collection on workflows is fixed.
Version 15.3.2 released on April 30, 2014
Now it's possible to schedule to export reports into the specified Document Library.
Following farm scope reports added:
- Content popularity
- Events
- Events Popularity
- Document popularity
- Unused documents
- Documents size by type
- Document growth trends
- Lists growth trends
- List items popularity
Version 15.3 released on February 27, 2014
- DevExpress v 12.2.12 is now used by the product.
- New farm scope report "Unique users" is added.
- The webpart setting which enables allowing/denying data export is added.
- Reports Dashboard is rebuilt to download the reports in asynchronous mode. It speeds up the Dashboard opening and also fixes the problem when time-out occurs during the page loading.
- Removing detailed data can be now configured as a separate time job, with flexible settings.
- Folder option added for List Items filter.
- The infrastructure crawler is updated: in case of emergency exit, we can later proceed from the operation where the process was terminated.
Version 15.2 released on August 26, 2013
- HarePoint Analytics Diagnostic tool is added.
- Farm report "IIS Usage" is updated.
- The progress-bar for daily and monthly data processing timer jobs is added.
- HarePoint Timer job to monitor ULS logs for analytic-related errors is added.
- Data processing speed for daily data generation procedures is improved.
- DevExpress v 12.1 is now used by the product.
- Data processing procedure was divided to two separate procedures to calculate daily and monthly data separately. It allows to speed up the daily data processing because now you can calculate monthly summary data one time in month, but previously it was calculated each day and time to generate data for the reports increases day after the day during month.
New reports are added:
- Site collection report "Web-sites without visits" to analyze the web-sites which were not visited from specified date.
- New reports to get details about mobile devices: "Mobile Devices" and "Mobile Device Details".
- New reports to analyze SharePoint Workflows: Workflow association usage, Workflow instances usage, Workflow instances duration and Workflow instances by status.
The following reports were updated:
- Browsers - now recognizes more browsers and their versions.
- Operation systems - now recognizes Windows 8 and Windows Server 2008.
Version 15.1 released on January 9, 2013
New installation wizard.
Version 15.0 released on August 20 2012
New edition of a well-known solution for SharePoint web-analytics and usage reporting: HarePoint Analytics for SharePoint is fully compatible with SharePoint Server 2013.
Version 14.22 released on August 2, 2021
- Added: Power BI templates for viewing and managing SharePoint usage data collected by HarePoint Analytics.
- Added: seassionduration policy to control the duration of the session (default value is 20 minutes).
- Added: support for Lookup fields of documents and lists metadata.
- Added: tool to export/import the settings of the Analytics using the command line (HarePointAnalyticsUtil.exe -config save "path_to_xml_file", HarePointAnalyticsUtil.exe -config load "path_to_xml_file") to the additional toolbar.
- Added: a tool to simplify editing of user reports to the additional toolbar.
- Added: a new column with a file size of the actual version of the document.
- Optimized: HarePoint Analytics for SharePoint: Preprocessor report data by month job for faster execution and lesser use of tempdb.
- Fixed: data collection algorithm for Sites and Lists size reports for big volumes of data.
- Fixed: error while attempt to connect already connected database.
- Fixed: sorting feature for the diagrams in the classic reports dashboard.
- Optimized: the operation with activation/deactivation of the data collection feature for site collections in the HarePoint Analytics diagnostics utility.
- Added: new 'Label' field to distinguish subscriptions with the same displayed parameters in reports subscriptions.
- Minor fixes.
Version 14.21 released on January 20, 2021
- Added: Data collection by metadata of list items and documents. Corresponding fields will be added to all reports automatically (if data exists).
- Added: Possibility to add custom reports. Custom reports act as regular built-in reports: they can be added to web parts, included in subscriptions, assign access rights to them, etc.
- Added: skipadditionalfieldsformultifarm policy. It is ON by default to avoid problems with custom fields in AD, User profile, List item metadata, Documents metadata in case no data is available in such fields or if some fields are missing.
- Added: the feature to operate in environments where FIPS policy is turned on.
Version 14.20 released on November 18, 2020
- Added: Page trend report as a drill-down form Content popularity report showing the usage trend of the particular page.
- Added: Modified field in Documents Popularity report showing the latest document modification date.
- Added: GeoData (country code and city) for the Pageviews report.
- Added: Report period selection for subscriptions can be set as a relative offset to the current date for the Performance report.
- Added: Additional data sources for cross-farm reports.
- Changed: User count is refreshed once a month instead of once three months.
- Optimized: Periodic data collection timer job. Data collection engine will operate faster for a large number of site collections with HarePoint Analytics Feature turned off.
- Fixed: duplicating data in Websites without visits report.
- Fixed: error while opening the subscription page in Unused documents report.
- Fixed: calculations of Visit start page and Visit end page for the Visits report.
- Fixed: Visits counter in Landing pages report for site and subsite level.
- Minor fixes.
Version 14.19 released on July 28, 2020
- Fixed: issue in ribbon date filter for Preceding Three Month, Half of a Year and Year periods.
- Added: database version check before Processor of message queue timer job starts. If the version of the database does not correspond with the version of the required libraries the timer job does not start.
- Corrected: the visual appearance of the report period selectors are generalized for regular reports and webpart reports.
- Updated: mobile devices, browsers, and platforms parsers.
- Updated: geolocation database download link.
- Added: setting for report subscription email priority policy. "mailpriority" Policy. Values: high, normal, low.
- Added: Source page filter for Content popularity report (works only on daily reports).
- Added: Bounces and Bounce Rate fields for Sites Summary report in site collection level as well as in Site Collection Summary and Sites Summary in farm-level reports (central admin).
- Fixed: data collection errors resulting in Access denied error.
- Fixed: Erroneous server requests the users of which cannot be identified (user data is missing in the request) are logged as anonymous requests without generating errors in the ULS log.
- Added: Vendor column in Mobile Devices report. Removed drill-down filter in device version report as irrelevant.
- Fixed: Visits report for Mobile Devices, Browsers, Platforms, Length of Visits, Depth of Visits reports for sites with sub-sites.
- Added: Two Periodic Data Collection timer job policies:
a) incrementalCrawler - determines if incremental data collection is used by the timer job (OFF by default).
b) crawlerThreadCount - sets the number of instances used to collect the farm data (1 - by default).
- Added: Anonymous filter in all reports.
- Added: Hiding the data collection positive filters - hidePositiveFilters (ON by default).
- Fixed: Issue in Events Popularity report.
- Fixed: Exporting reports containing the Duration field to Excel.
- Fixed: Visitor trends report on the Overview page.
- Changed: Behaviour of the Installer. Fixed the installer crush if updating of web.config files fails.
- Minor bugfixes.
Version 14.18 released on July 22, 2019
- Automatic update for IP Database is fixed now.
- New policy to allow data collection activation and deactivation by farm admin only has been added.
- The issue with modifications of web.config during solution installation or update has been fixed.
- Changes in HarePoint Analytics timer jobs operation: now 'Processor of message queue' timer job is not disabled while 'Preliminary data preparation' timer job is running.
- Many of the reports have been optimized for faster generation: Visits, Unused documents, Site summary and others.
- The problem with applying binary filters (for example filter 'Active Directory logons only') has been fixed.
- The problem with Users' data double-encryption has been fixed. Also, the policy to activate users' data encryption has been added to the HarePoint Analytics Diagnostic utility.
- The data collection for AD groups has been fixed.
- The policy that allows report export in the old style has been added.
- Operations with the User profile service has been fixed.
- Now the web-part reports allow comparison of two data ranges as it already did for the dashboard reports.
- The data preparation for the a range of report has been optimized for the speed.
Version 14.17 released on September 10, 2018
- Option to compare data in two data ranges is added in the reports now.
- Excel worksheet password protection is added to the report exporting rules.
- The Pageviews report data processing is optimized for the speedy work.
- The product keeps the selected data range when you navigate across reports now.
- Content type data is collected for documents now (the policy 'stsadm -o mlstsetpolicy -collectcontenttypes true' should be activated).
- All changes in data collection filters are logged now.
- The issue with 'JS Events' report preparing (when the database contains uncompleted hits) has been fixed.
- The 'Site summary' report has been fixed for monthly data view.
- Data collection for embedded AD groups has been fixed.
- The reports Documents popularity, Documents usage and Unused documents are enriched with the new data: 'Document creation date'
- The web-part view is modified to account for improper configuration of the web-part.
- Incorrect drill-down links in some reports have been removed.
- The possible blocking of the SQL table during the same-time activity of Periodic data collection and Preliminary data preparation Timer jobs has been fixed.
- The error occurring on opening of 'Unused documents', 'Unused pages', and the 'Web-sites without visits' reports with some configurations of SQL servers has been fixed.
- The issue with the user data secondary encryption over the previously encrypted data has been fixed.
- Data processing for document- and list-item-related reports has been optimized to speed up processing and reduce generation time.
- The data source re-initialization occurring every 20 minutes has been added for the following reports: Pageviews, Documents usage, List items usage, Navigation details, Visits, and User searches. This prevents freezing of the reports opened on a page for a long time.
- The Timer Job execution server selection button is fixed in the Analytics Diagnostics tool.
- The issue with inability to indicate the time-frame for more than 12 hours in the diagnostic utility (when system has 24-hour format) has been fixed.
Version 14.16 released on March 22, 2018
- Cache operations in multistream mode are fixed.
- Tracking of the documents opened from the MS Office apps has been fixed.
- The real-time queries tracking has been optimized.
- New policy to turn ON and OFF the data collection on the pages with the status code 404 (page not found) is added.
- The 'Users activity' report doesn't show the users which didn't visit the web-site in the specified time range.
- The feature to create and connect databases has been added in Diagnostic Tool.
- Diagnostic tool shows the first and last records found in the reports tables now to speed up the diagnostics how the data collection and processing go on.
- The grouping feature in the web-part has been fixed.
- Switching of the elements number on the page in reports has been fixed.
- The data processing for 'Unused documents' report is optimized.
- The data collection from the SharePoint User Profile by the timer job 'Periodic data collection' has been fixed.
- Tracking of the usage of the documents from Office Web Apps has been fixed.
- The operations with non-standard encodings in JS Events have been fixed.
- The report templates edition in Central administration has been fixed.
- The data collection on SharePoint Workflow statuses by the timer job 'Periodic data collection' has been fixed.
- The data collection on the Content types by the timer job 'Periodic data collection' has been fixed.
- Loosing of the Site scope during the drilldown across the reports has been fixed.
- The drilldown links for User Activity report has been fixed.
- The sorting feature for charts has been fixed.
- The data collection for the custom fields from Active Directory and SharePoint User Profile for users who logged in using form-based authentication has been fixed.
- The problem with the blank reports generation for Pageviews, Visits, Navigation details, Documents usage and List items usage reports has been fixed.
- The web-part settings allow now to get the report export link.
- The templates #CURRENT_USERNAME# and #CURRENT_USERLOGIN# have been added in the filters of the HarePoint Analytics web-part.
- The reports have been enriched with text filters for document libraries and lists.
- Fixed the date filter for the filters in the web-part, Templates and Subscriptions for the reports 'Unused documents', 'Unused pages' and 'Web-sites without visits'.
- The Pageviews report has been enriched with a new column - Time on page.
- Data collection filter for 'http response status code' has been added.
Version 14.15 released on April 27, 2017
New functionality
- Addition of custom fields from Active Directory and the user profile for data collection and use in reports (in filters and columns). Settings in the Data collection from additional fields in Central Administration.
- Additional column has been added to all reports: it contains Web-site URL to display links to subsites to which the given report record belongs.
Improvements and optimization:
- Improved workflow data collection.
- Improved interface management for filters in list form for report subscription.
- Tree for selection document libraries for report export now corresponds to the rights of the given user (turned of in the usesecuredexporttree regime).
- Added policy usewebpartstandardpermission to turn off Manage Permission when working with the web part (for users who have had this right blocked at the farm level for organizational reasons).
- Corrected calculation in the Site collections summary report.
- Optimized event receiver for quicker collection of event data for edits, deletes and moving among lists.
- Corrected building of link to completed report in the web part.
- Added saving of settings of timer job schedule setting when updating product.
- The issue with 'cloned' sub-sites (sub-sites with the identical IDs and content), when data in the reports are crossed between different site collections has been fixed.
- The export of a report with a single column that is used for grouping, has been fixed.
- The Overview page (main dashboard) has been optimized, permissions checks for display of each dashboard report has been added.
- Corrected operation of IIS log importer for farms with multiple web applications with the same port.
- The permission checking in charts creation has been fixed (access error for opening could appear in some cases).
- The operating of 'DateTime' type filters has been fixed (some system data/time formats could generate errors).
- The processor counting in the system has been fixed for performance reports.
- The double URL encoding displayed in the reports has been fixed.
- Periodic data collection timer job has been optimized.
- A warning message, which appears during the creation of positive filters to prevent data loss when data collection filters are used improperly, has been added.
- Corrected error with variable overflow in report fields displaying duration.
- Error occurring when working with the cache on several flows corrected.
- Corrected default filter operation when performing editing and deletion operations.
- Optimized preparation of report data.
- Other minor fixes.
Version 14.14.1 released on August 19, 2016
Corrected reports:
- Unused documents: corrected inexact definition of 'unused' for some types of documents.
- Users summary: corrected calculation of data in the Added column.
- List growth trends and Documents growth trends: corrected error in data calculation for the beginning date of the chosen reporting period.
- Pageviews: corrected AD Logon filter.
- Events popularity: corrected calculation of summary data for sites and subsites.
- Visits: corrected Returned filter in report scope for sites with subsites.
- Visits by countries: completely rebuilt for a more exact determination of location data and for better performance.
Added policy options:
- to turn off data collection for the size of sites collectwebsize (can be very long in collecting on large sites).
- to manage scope for a compiled list of sites in the subscription form in the exportusewebappasroot report. Now this list can be built for the entire web app or for only the current site collection.
- to manage the date format for export of PDF reports in exportpdfdateformat ("default" - either the original default or a format written like this).
Other improvements and fixes:
- Corrected problem with blocking of some form elements when editing report templates.
- Corrected work with message templates when subscribing to a report.
- Optimized export to Excel and complete transfer to XLSX.
- Added user email selection from the User profile when sending the report by subscription.
- Corrected work with JS events - now reports indicate the page where the event was called in the URl column, not hae.png.
- Added support for event viewing through Office web app server.
- Corrected error in handling years in filters based on month data.
- Corrected calculation of the total number of users for licensing. Prefixes indicating claims based authentication not counted.
- Added Visitor trend report at the farm level.
- Added German localization.
- Added new documentation.
- Other minor corrections.
Version 14.13.3 released on March 24, 2016
- Added filters to the collection module proper handling of work done through SharePoint Designer.
- Error causing failure in collection of workflow data corrected.
- Workaround for situation where hit data does not enter the database when the user login is undetermined.
- Interface re-worked for websites with the old (2007) style. Now reports for such sites have the 2010 style.
- Optimized subscription form for reports, error occurring upon opening also corrected.
- Corrected checking of access rights for export/subscription.
- Added support in filters of screened links (no longer necessary to replace spaces with %20, etc.).
- Corrected calculation of authors for the Document Usage Overview report.
- List of document libraries for filters in the Document libraries usage report corrected.
- Added filtration of site collections to the activities tab in our feature in the Diagnostic Utility.
- Corrected error in checking access permissions for users added through AD groups.
- Work with encrypted user data modified: now collection filters by user parameters (login, name, etc.) are processed correctly.
- File name format when exporting now works for export of document libraries.
- Correction made to prevent possible failing of the Periodic data collection job when collecting document information.
- Updated system for identification of browsers, operating systems, and mobile devices.
- Optimized preparation of data for the Documents Usage report.
- Other minor corrections and changes.
Version 14.13.1 released on December 11, 2015
- Corrected export of hyperlinks for pdf and xlsx files.
- Error in data sorting when exporting reports in pdf format corrected.
- Error in data filtration in reports when extremely large amount of data in database corrected.
- Optimization of generation of Web-site details reports at the farm level (in Central Administration).
- Mechanism to avoid a repeated launch of timer tasks added.
- Added handling of errors during data collection on SharePoint lists.
- Increased performance of data collection from AD.
- Error causing interruption of http query when querying owssvr.dll file corrected.
- Added URL column in the Sites summary report.
- Added handling of errors in cases of invalid messages in a message queue.
- Error causing incorrect visits for subsites in the Users Activity report corrected.
- Error showing duplicate visits for subsites in the Visits report corrected.
- Error showing empty Start page column in Visits report corrected.
- Error in filters for AD groups for subscribed reports corrected.
- Setting for the web part added, allowing saving of the current filter in link to the full report.
- Error occurring with collection of user data corrected.
- Option to assign the name of the attached report file (for subscriptions).
- Optimization of report loading in the web part.
- Capability for filtering lists by its full name and path is added.
- Error causing inexact count of users and visitors in the Visitor Trends reports at the site level corrected.
- Handling of multiple Web applications which work on the same port during import of IIS logs added.
- Added button on the main tools tab for export of all transactions launched in the analytics base to a file.
- Optimization of preparation of daily and monthly reports.
- Other minor corrections and improvements.
Version 14.12.10 released on July 15, 2015
- Diagnostic utility update: capability to apply or delete specified web.config modifications is added.
- Diagnostic utility update: analyzing and calculation of the most used resource types is added. This feature helps you to determine the resources which can be excluded from data collection by the filters.
- IIS Log importing utility is updated
- Report Pageviews is fixed for the cases when users with incorrect Visitor ID is collected and displayed in the report.
- Timer job to collect periodic data is rebuilt for improved performance and reliability.
- Cross site scripting problem is fixed in the reports.
- Users Activity report is optimized.
- New options for managing export of the URLs in reports as PDF and XLS files. By default URLs are exported as plain text.
- Filtering problem in the report Document Usage is fixed.
- Other minor fixes.
Version 14.12.9 released on March 3, 2015
- Third-party components used in the product (DevExpress libraries) are updated to exclude possible conflicts with other applications which use the same components.
- Optimization for data processing speed for the "Events popularity" report.
- Optimization for data processing speed for the monthly data processing timer job.
- Changes in the IIS log files importer utility to avoid import of duplicated data.
- New feature: processing of the backlog data (excluding data from the current day) without disabling of "Queue data processor timer job".
- Changes in the texts on the report subscription form.
- Fixes for the expand- collapse controls in the Filters pane for Mac OS.
- Discarding of incomplete search records to decrease number of exceptions in the SharePoint ULS logs and the amount of data stored in the queue DB.
Version 14.12.6 released on January 19, 2015
- Exporting of reports into a document library is fixed.
- New, optimized dashboard.
- Ribbon buttons to add report templates and edition is fixed.
- Data processing speed is optimized for "Visitor trends", "Browsers", "Platforms", "Visits by hours", "Visits length", "Visits depth", "Geolocation", and "Mobile devices" reports.
- Problem with data collection on the workflows which occurred in some configurations is fixed.
- New column "Downloaded" added in "Documents by type", "Documents by users", "Documents by SPGroups" reports. Please note that this column is not displayed in the reports by default.
- New filter by "Web applications" added in the "Users summary" farm-scope reports.
- Reports on usage of the search are now available on the Farm scope.
- Diagnostics tool is updated.
- New filter by Url added in the Farm scope report "Site collection summary".
- "Sharepoint group" filter is fixed in the "Documents popularity" report.
- Filter by AD Group is added in a number of reports.
- Fixes in javascript for the web-part.
- Problem with checking of the users permissions for the web-part is fixed.
- Fixes for chart graphics.
- Problem with storing sorting rules in the report templates is fixed.
- New filter "AD Description" is added in a number of reports.
- Progress bar for the "Report data preprocessor" timer job is adjusted to display data processing flow more precisely.
- Problem with export of the reports "Documents usage" when file type filter used fixed.
- A warning message is added when a long time export task is going to be started by the user.
- Checking of permissions on report template edition is fixed.
- New report about User Profile Data completion is added.
- A workaround to support several versions of Dev Express components in the framework of one major version of the product is added.
- Other small changes and optimizations.
Version released on September 1, 2014
- Optimization of the "Queue data processor" timer job to speed up data moving from the queue database to the statistics database.
- Data cache for size of the web-sites is increased to speed up "queue data processor".
- Calculation of the number of site visitors in the report "Visitor Trends" modified to exclude user duplicates from appearing.
- Fixed problem with duplicates in the report "List item popularity" on the Farm scope which occurred when list item was requested by case sensitive URLs.
- Permission problem with saving exported report in the document library is fixed.
Version 14.12 released on August 4, 2014
- The product interface is localized for German.
- Performance optimizations for generation of the data for the Visitor Trends report.
- The issue with the custom Dashboard layout in some configurations has been fixed.
- The issue with ignoring of created policies when data grouping feature is used in reports has been fixed.
- The issue with delay of collection of updated information in user profile fields 'Department' and 'Job Title' fields has been fixed.
- It's possible now to set up custom addresses of search pages (in Central Admin settings).
- The procedure to remove outdated data has been updated to reduce the transaction log.
- The policy "Hide user names" is updated. Now it does not hide such information as 'AD City', 'AD Country', 'AD Company' and 'SP Domain'.
- Report export procedure has been fixed. Now the exported report can be saved for current web application only.
- The issue with opening of 'Upgrade and Migration\Review Database Status" page in Central Administration is fixed.The problem occurred after uninstallation of the product.
- The issue with duplicated files in Documents popularity report has been fixed.
- The issue with empty strings in 'Pageviews' and 'Navigation details' reports has been fixed.
- The issue with duplicated web-sites in the 'Site summary' report has been fixed.
- Some other minor bug fixes.
Version 14.11.8 released on April 30, 2014
Now it's possible to schedule to export reports into the specified Document Library.
Following farm scope reports added:
- Content popularity
- Events
- Events Popularity
- Document popularity
- Unused documents
- Documents size by type
- Document growth trends
- Lists growth trends
- List items popularity
Version 14.11 released on December 4, 2013
- Reports Dashboard is rebuilt to download the reports in asynchronous mode. It speeds up the Dashboard opening and also fixes the problem when time-out occurs during the page loading.
- The webpart setting which enables allowing/denying data export is added.
- The infrastructure crawler is updated: in case of emergency exit, we can later proceed from the operation where the process was terminated.
- A number of new reports for the farm.
- Removing detailed data can be now configured as a separate time job, with flexible settings.
- The error in the webpart export is fixed.
- Cache is added to speed up queue data processing.
- New farm scope report "Unique users" is added.
- The progress-bar for daily and monthly data processing timer jobs is added.
- HarePoint Timer job to monitor ULS logs for analytic-related errors is added.
- An issue with the sorting feature is fixed for pie charts.
- The ULS logs exception regarding "disposed objects" in "Periodic Data Collection" timer job is fixed.
- Data processing speed for daily data generation procedures is improved.
- DevExpress v 12.1 is now used by the product.
- Data processing procedure was divided to two separate procedures to calculate daily and monthly data separately. It allows to speed up the daily data processing because now you can calculate monthly summary data one time in month, but previously it was calculated each day and time to generate data for the reports increases day after the day during month.
New reports are added:
- Site collection report "Web-sites without visits" to analyze the web-sites which were not visited from specified date.
- New reports to get details about mobile devices: "Mobile Devices" and "Mobile Device Details".
- New reports to analyze SharePoint Workflows: "Workflow association usage", "Workflow instances usage", "Workflow instances duration" and "Workflow instances by status".
The following reports were updated:
- "Browsers" - now it recognizes more browsers and their versions.
- "Operation systems" - now it recognizes Windows 8 and Windows Server 2008
Version 14.10. released on November 19, 2012
- a problem with autodetection of the page charset is fixed.
- the problem with vertical scrolling of the report's page was fixed.
- DevExpress v.12.1 is used now.
- a possibility to collect data using java script was added.
- a possibility to use SharePoint default theme for the pages with the reports was added.
- a possibility to use report template to create a subscription is added.
- a possibility to detect view and download of the documents was added.
- visual changes in the left menu of the dashboard.
- a possibility to protect the templates modification is added.
- a possibility to turn off data collection filters for the HTTP module is added.
Version 14.9. released on August 15, 2012
- An option to create the report templates was added.
- Data collection filters for HTTPModule is added.
Version 14.8. released on June 16, 2012
New reports are added:
- Site collection content types
- Content types by Document Libraries
- Content types by Lists
Version 14.7. released on April 9, 2012
- Search for the data about user in Active Directory is optimized to speed up processing message queue.
- Document and list processing Timer job is optimized to avoid delay upon processing data from some Content Types.
- New Database Table indexes are added to speed up report generation.
- Filters for the Active Directory and SharePoint groups are fixed in the Visits and Pageviews reports.
- Problem with recognizing platforms Windows 7, 8 and Windows Server 2008 R2 has been fixed.
- The data grouping feature has been improved.
- A possibility to collect document view events from the page download.aspx in _layouts folder has been added.
- Cache of users' permissions is added and the speed of generating reports is increased.
Version 14.6. released on December 22, 2011
- The product name has been changed from MAPILab Statistics for SharePoint to HarePoint Analytics for SharePoint.
- New report � Navigation details - has been added.
- The number of strings in the group is shown after grouping.
- Data collection for AccessDenied.aspx has been added.
- Data collection for the 404 error has been added.
- The subscription for report's mailing directly from the report's page has been added.
- The filters pane features have been improved.
- User ID and User IP columns have been added to the Document Usage report.
- IP, Visitor ID and Referer columns have been added to the Visits report.
- Drill-down for user name has been added into reports.
- Visitor ID, Visit ID and Referer columns have been added to Pageviews reports.
- Unique visitors column has been added to the Visits trend report.
- Returned visitors column has been added to the Visits and Visits Trends reports.
- Filtering by document and library has been added to the Document usage overview report.
- New links have been added into the Dashboard page.
- New report - Visitors activity - has been added.
- New report - Document unique events overview - has been added.
- New report - Document unique events - has been added.
- UserInfo report has been extended.
Version 14.5. released on October 6, 2011
- Collecting data on Active Directory objects is performed as a separate Timer Job now.
- The list of the reports in the Dashboard contains only the reports which can be generated by a user.
- Collecting data on the "View" action for the List Items has been added.
- New report - "List items popularity" has been added.
Version 14.4. released on July 21, 2011
- MAPILab Statistics web-part settings are enhanced
- New data filter on "Document location" is added
- A possibility to schedule sending report automatically via email is added
- A possibility to encrypt the collected data is added.
- A possibility to customize the dashboard is added
- A possibility to use the report "Visits by Countries" in intranet SharePoint installation is added
- Now the product supports the "SQL Session" mode.
- New reports are added.
Version 14.3. released on May 10, 2011
- A possibility to export data from MAPILab web-parts and displaying data about used filters.
- A possibility to add and remove data fields into/from the reports.
- Visual interface to manage global product policies.
- A possibility to encrypt personal data during data collection.
- Cache for the data received from Active Directory and SharePoint to speed up queue processing.
- New data collection filter field "DoNotCollect".
Version 14.2. released on February 1, 2011
- Reports for sites and sub-sites were added.
- New reports on system performance were added
- New interface of MAPILab Statistics is supported now on the old sites (migrated from SharePoint 2007 to 2010).
- New reports Documents By Type were added.
- New reports Documents Size By Type were added.
- New reports Documents Size Details were added.
- New reports List Items Popularity were added.
- New report Lists By Site was added.
- New feature was added: data processing cache. The data from the queue is being processed significantly faster now.
Version 14.1 released on September 24, 2010
- New data collection filters were added.
- Utility to migrate statistical data was added
- New reports Document Growth Trends were added
- New reports on List Growth Trends were added
- A possibility to manage access rights per report and per data type was added
- Reports on usage of Search feature were added
Version 14.0 released on July 1, 2010
Version for Microsoft SharePoint 2010 is released.
Version released on August 29, 2014
- Protection from memory leaks was added to the data collection module.
- Automatic start of the "Queue Data Processor" timer job was added for cases where "preliminary data preparation" finishes with exceptions.
- Changes in the Visitors Trends report to calculate the number of users based on User ID field instead of UserVersions as was done in previous versions. This change protects the report from duplicated users which may appear.
Version 3.11 released on November 13, 2013
- User calculation method changed for the report "Visits by countries" to make more accurate the number of users displayed n the report.
- Reports Dashboard is rebuilt to download the reports in asynchronous mode. It speeds up the Dashboard opening and also fixes the problem when time-out occurs during the page loading.
- Removing detailed data can be now configured as a separate time job, with flexible settings.
- The infrastructure crawler is updated: in case of emergency exit, we can later proceed from the operation where the process was terminated.
- Data processing procedure was divided to two separate procedures to calculate daily and monthly data separately. It allows to speed up the daily data processing because now you can calculate monthly summary data one time in month, but previously it was calculated each day and time to generate data for the reports increases day after the day during month.
- The progress-bar for daily and monthly data processing timer jobs is added.
- An issue with the sorting feature is fixed for pie charts.
- An issue with the calculation of the sizes is fixed for Document Libraries.
- An issue with the cache of the AD group members is fixed.
- Data processing speed for daily and monthly data generation procedures is improved.
Version 3.10. released on July 13, 2012
- A possibility to create the report view templates with predefined filters was added.
- The VisitId and VisitorId fields are added into the Visits, Pageviews and Documents reports.
- New reports are added: Document unique events, Document unique events overview, Visitors activity.
- Details on returned visitors are added.
- Filter's pane is redesigned.
- Cache for security policies are added to speed up generation of the reports.
Version 3.9. released on February 24, 2012
- The product name has been changed from MAPILab Statistics for SharePoint to HarePoint Analytics for SharePoint.
- New report - Navigation details - has been added.
- Data collection for AccessDenied.aspx has been added.
- The subscription for report's mailing directly from the report's page has been added.
- New details for UserInfo report have been added.
- Problem with recognizing platforms Windows 7, 8 and Windows Server 2008 R2 has been fixed.
- The data grouping feature has been improved.
- A possibility to collect document view events from the page download.aspx in _layouts folder has been added.
Version 3.8. released on October 6, 2011
- Now, a separate timer job collects data from Active Directory. It speeds up data collection and processing.
- The list of reports contains only the reports which can be used by the user
- New report - "ListItems Popularity" is added.
Version 3.7. released on July 21, 2011
- MAPILab Statistics web-part settings are enhanced.
- New data filter on Document location is added.
- A possibility to schedule sending report automatically via email is added.
- A possibility to encrypt the collected data is added.
- A possibility to customize the dashboard is added.
- A possibility to use the report "Visits by Countries" in intranet SharePoint installation is added.
- Now the product supports the "SQL Session" mode.
- New reports are added.
Version 3.6. released on May 10, 2011
- A possibility to export data from MAPILab web-parts and displaying data about used filters.
- A possibility to add and remove data fields into/from the reports.
- Data collection on users' roles.
- Visual interface to manage global product policies.
- A possibility to encrypt personal data during data collection.
- Cache for the data received from Active Directory and SharePoint to speed up queue processing.
- New data collection filter field DoNotCollect.
Version 3.5. released on February 18, 2011
- New reports on system performance were added.
- Cache for data collection and processing was added. Now data from the queue is processed in 5-6 times faster.
- Details on used filters are now displayed in reports.
- A possibility to export data from web-parts was added.
Version 3.4. released on August 12, 2010
- Utility to migrate statistical data was added.
- New report Visits by location was added.
- New report Visits by location details was added.
- Speed optimization on processing data from queue database.
- A possibility to stop data collection from Active Directory was added
Version 3.3. released on June 30, 2010
- New report Visits by Hours was added.
- Optimizations on collecting data from Active Directory.
Version 3.2. released on June 14, 2010
- New reports Traffic Sources Detailed was added.
- New indexes for databases table Urls were added to speed up data processing.
- Visual interface to manage data collection filter was added.
Version 3.1. released on June 7, 2010
The Traffic Sources report has been modified to show the domains from which the visitors come in, and a possibility to drill-down to see more details has been added.
Version 3.0. released on May 6, 2010
- MAPILab Statistics for SharePoint web part was added.
- New data collection filters were added.
Version 2.0. released on April 28, 2009
Version 1.0. released on August 1, 2008