HarePoint Multi-Factor Authentication for SharePoint On-Premises purchase

Licensing model

HarePoint MFA for SharePoint is licensed by purchasing the required number of user licenses.

SharePoint user - a user authorized in any way on a SharePoint server; including users interacting with a SharePoint server through Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel or other applications.

The number of user licenses for HarePoint MFA for SharePoint must be equal to the number of users having access to the SharePoint web-site(s).

If your environment contains more than 5 000 users, enterprise licensing with special pricing is available. To request a quote, please contact our sales department.

* The license price does not include the cost of text messages sent to users' mobiles (if SMS as a second factor is chosen).


  • Monthly billing
  • Annual billing
License type Price per user Quantity

HarePoint Multi-Factor Authentication (Single user license)

The more users in your SharePoint environment, the lower the per-user price. The minimal user number is 50. The license pack step is also equal 50 users.
License pack to purchase:
License cost:
50 User Licenses

License renewal

The active subscriprion to the product includes all upcoming version updates and maintenance.

Educational and non-profit discounts

We are glad to offer a set of special discounts for schools, colleges, universities, hospitals and charity organizations. Please contact our sales department for more information.

Our valued customers

HarePoint products are recognized by thousands of companies

  • Bayer Pharma AG
  • Olswang LLP
  • HiPP
  • E.ON
  • Heel