Company news

HarePoint crosses the Atlantic!


It gives us great pleasure to announce that our Director of Strategic Development, Alexander Gorlach, along with our Technical Director, Alexei Shlibanov, and Ekaterina Pigulevskaya from one of our sister companies, have crossed the Atlantic Ocean in the Mur Mur, a Dufour 375 yacht, going 2800 nautical miles from Las Palmas of the Canary Islands to Rodney Bay on St. Louis island. Our fearless crew took third place in their group of 18 vessels in the Atlantic Rally for Cruisers 2013. In the overall rally, they came in 20th out of 162.

The voyage across the Atlantic took 19 days, 23 hours, and 30 minutes. The weather started getting rough almost immediately and remained a complicating factor for the entire tour. High wind, episodic squalls and a storm with wind reaching 60 knots were all part of the fun. We are proud of the fine showing of our colleagues achieved despite having a small crew and congratulate them heartily for their prize-winning finish!

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  • Somerset County Council
  • Synopsys
  • Olswang LLP
  • The World Bank