Company news

New version of HarePoint Analytics for SharePoint 2010


​​We would like to present a new version of HarePoint Analytics for SharePoint 2010 - the effective web-analytics solution for intranet portals and Internet sites based on the SharePoint 2010 platform.

In a new version (

  • The opportunity to track document views through 'download.aspx' page in 'layouts' folder.
  • New feature for filtering rules: 'Ignore this rule for the events on documents and list items open and edition'
  • The detection of Windows 7, 8, Server 2008 R2 browsers in 'Browser' report has been added.
  • The issue with permissions (View Web Analytics Data) has been fixed.
  • Some issues with reports access and security policy for AD users have been fixed.

You are welcome to download the new version of HarePoint Analytics for SharePoint.​​

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