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HarePoint HelpDesk for SharePoint has been updated!


SharePoint 2013 HelpDeskHarePoint HelpDesk for SharePoint is a complete ticketing solution for your SharePoint sites that provides a full processing cycle for user requests!

The main features of the new version are:

  • New security role: 'Viewers' has been added. There are 'User' and 'Technician' roles in the product; one for those who submit tickets and the other for those who process them and resolve issues. We have added a new 'Viewer'role.This role allows viewing of tickets, but does not allow any modifications.This option is useful in various cases, for example, if a user from a different department needs to have access to information in a request. The 'Viewer' role is the best option for this case.
  • New feature: 'resolution confirmation' has been added.A technician cannot mark a request as 'Resolved' now – a technician can request that resolution be accepted by the user. User confirmation is now required for ‘Resolved’ status to be obtained. In this way, clear evidence of resolution is provided, and the potential for a resolved ticket to move back to open status is removed.
  • A German language pack is added for support of German.

The full list of release notes is available on the HelpDesk version history page.

You are welcome to update the software on HarePoint HelpDesk for SharePoint homepage.​​​​

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