Company news

HarePoint will participate in Swiss SharePoint Conference


Swiss SharePoint Conference deals with the SharePoint 2010 platform from Microsoft. The basic idea of the conference is 'hands-on creating value' - our goal is to give you directly usable knowledge through lectures and via exchange with colleagues. This event will take place at November 29-30, 2011 in Luzern, Switzerland.

MAPILab Statistics and HarePoint Workflow Extensions will be presented at Swiss SharePoint Conference.

MAPILab Statistics for SharePoint 2007/2010 - ultimate analytics and usage reporting solution for websites and intranet portals based on SharePoint platform.

HarePoint Workflow Extensions is an activities pack for SharePoint Workflow. Over 180 ready to use workflow activities to design any purpose workflows: document approval and routing, bills and invoices creation, images processing, SharePoint sites automation, integration with remote services.

We would be glad to see you at the event to introduce our products! If you would like to make an appointment, please contact us.

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HarePoint products are recognized by thousands of companies

  • Olswang LLP
  • CBS
  • NOVA Chemicals Corporation
  • Wargaming Interactive