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New version of HarePoint Analytics for SharePoint 2016/2013 is released!


We are glad to announce a new version of our famous Analytics for SharePoint 2016/2013!

The main new feature in this version of the product is the option for the product Administrator to collect additional data from Active Directory and SharePoint User profile which is not collected by default. This feature has been added based on the requests of our current users. We appreciate the users who have provided this vital information from their experience with the product and we find it highly satisfying to fulfill such requirements in a short period of time.

The implications of the added feature are large. As our users know, HarePoint Analytics has a predefined set of data that it collects. It is, without question, a huge set (and users often turn off collecting of unnecessary data), but there was had never been the possibility of collecting data beyond the offered in-built set. Custom fields (user-defined fields) in AD or a SharePoint User profile is the foremost example of this case. So now, any data from SharePoint User profiles and/or Active Directory can be collected and displayed in the reports, the user needs only to set up the required properties and the data collection will run. The other important point is that these data can then be used for filtering in reports.

Here is a short illustration how the new feature works – in the screenshots below: we just created new fields (based on custom data from a SP user profile), got the data, ran a Pageview report and filtered it using the new field details:

You are welcome to get a detailed overview of the new feature in our blog.

You are also welcome to review the full list of new features, improvements and fixes in a new version of the product.

You can update the software on the home page of HarePoint Analytics for SharePoint.

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