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New version of Analytics for SharePoint Online can protect personal data


We are glad to present a new version of Analytics for SharePoint – an advanced solution for professional and comprehensive analytics in SharePoint Online.

The current requirements in the field of personal data protection require the option to hide personal information (for example - the name of an employee, his/her division, age, etc.), included in activity reports in the enterprise IT environment. The new version of HarePoint Analytics for SharePoint Online can maintain personal privacy in accordance with the policies you set.

HarePoint Analytics for SharePoint Online obfuscates data

HarePoint Analytics provides static obfuscation, which means that identical values are converted to identical obfuscated values. Utilizing this, data analysis is not limited when obfuscation is used since grouping and drill-through are fully preserved. To ensure the highest level of security, Power BI storage does not contain real values for the obfuscated fields. That is, even if the storage is accessed directly (e.g. by using Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer), only obfuscated values can be retrieved.

Other significant improvements presented in the new version include the Drillthough feature in Search report provides details regarding explored search query. Additionally, the process of data uploading to the Power Bi app has been significantly optimized.

We strongly recommend that all current users of HarePoint Analytics for SharePoint Online update the solution to get the new features along with optimized data collection and processing.

You are always welcome to explore HarePoint Analytics for SharePoint Online by visiting the product's homepage, scheduling a product demo, or activating a free trial subscription.

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