Create Directory on FTP Server
This workflow action creates a directory on an FTP server.
Delete Directory from FTP Server
This workflow action deletes a specified directory on the FTP server.
Delete File from FTP Server
This workflow action deletes a specified file from the FTP server.
Download Document from FTP Server
This workflow action is used to download a document from FTP server to a SharePoint document library.
Fetch RSS Feed to Html
This workflow action is used to fetch all items from an RSS feed and print using a specified template.
Fetch RSS Item
This workflow action is used to fetch the top item from an RSS feed.
Send HTTP GET Request
This workflow action is used to send an HTTP GET request.
Send HTTP OAuth Request
This workflow action sends an HTTP OAuth request.
Send HTTP POST Request
This workflow action is used to send an HTTP POST request.
Send XMPP Instant Message
This workflow action is used to send instant messages to XMPP-compatible messaging clients like Google Talk.
Set FTP Server Options
This workflow action is used to set FTP server name and protocol for other FTP-related activities like "Upload Document to FTP Server" or "Create Directory on FTP Server".
Set OAuth Authentication
This workflow action is used to set OAuth authentication.
Shorten Url
This workflow action generates a short URL using online providers for short URLs.
Upload Document to FTP Server
This workflow action uploads a list item on an FTP server.
Upload List Item Attachments to FTP Server
This workflow action is used to upload list item attachments to an FTP server directory.