Workflow activities for networking in Office 365

Workflow activities for networking in Office 365

  • Create Directory on FTP Server
    This workflow action creates a directory on an FTP server.
  • Delete Directory from FTP Server
    This workflow action deletes a specified directory on the FTP server.
  • Delete File from FTP Server
    This workflow action deletes a specified file from the FTP server.
  • Download Document from FTP Server
    This workflow action is used to download a document from FTP server to a SharePoint document library.
  • Fetch RSS Feed to Html
    This workflow action is used to fetch all items from an RSS feed and print using a specified template.
  • Fetch RSS Item
    This workflow action is used to fetch the top item from an RSS feed.
  • Send HTTP GET Request
    This workflow action is used to send an HTTP GET request.
  • Send HTTP OAuth Request
    This workflow action sends an HTTP OAuth request.
  • Send HTTP POST Request
    This workflow action is used to send an HTTP POST request.
  • Send XMPP Instant Message
    This workflow action is used to send instant messages to XMPP-compatible messaging clients like Google Talk.
  • Set FTP Server Options
    This workflow action is used to set FTP server name and protocol for other FTP-related activities like "Upload Document to FTP Server" or "Create Directory on FTP Server".
  • Set OAuth Authentication
    This workflow action is used to set OAuth authentication.
  • Shorten Url
    This workflow action generates a short URL using online providers for short URLs.
  • Upload Document to FTP Server
    This workflow action uploads a list item on an FTP server.
  • Upload List Item Attachments to FTP Server
    This workflow action is used to upload list item attachments to an FTP server directory.
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  • University of Oklahoma
  • Department of Finance and Administration, State of Arkansas