HarePoint Workflow Extensions
Advanced SharePoint workflow capabilities with limited time and funds

Advanced SharePoint workflow capabilities with limited time and funds

SharePoint Gypsy

Person: Tom Molskow, Senior SharePoint Architect

Company web site: http://sharepointgypsy.blogspot.com

I was hired by a international Fortune 500 company to migrate a major enterprise level document management system from a proprietary legacy system to a SharePoint workflow solution. The customer needed many advanced workflow capabilities but was short on time and funding.

HarePoint Workflow Extensions for SharePoint

A rapidly developed enterprise level document management workflow that became a model solution and the basis for many other similar solutions within that organization. The advanced capabilities of HarePoint Workflow Extensions allowed us to achieve a design that was not only advanced, but simply impossible with standard SharePoint workflows as well as other any other third party SharePoint workflow tools available in the market place.

Bottom line:
The advanced capabilities of HarePoint Workflow Extensions combined with the very reasonable price combines to provide the best SharePoint workflow tool set on the market.

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  • PwC
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  • ABB Ltd.
  • E.ON
  • Universite d'Ottawa