HarePoint Analytics for SharePoint
Easy to use SharePoint metrics dashboards

Easy to use SharePoint metrics dashboards

Goodwill Industries International

Person: Chirag Patel

Employees: 3000

Company web site: https://www.goodwill.org/

SharePoint Site Admins wanted easy to use analytics metrics dashboards for their subsites and content in SharePoint. Reports include user activity, content popularity, email report, exporting reports, custom user attributes, roles etc.​

HarePoint Analytics for SharePoint​​

Excellent, easy to use, reliable, fast, creative dashboard support.

Bottom line:
Simple Great tool!!!

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HarePoint products are recognized by thousands of companies

  • Bayer Pharma AG
  • Department of Finance and Administration, State of Arkansas
  • Somerset County Council
  • Procter&Gamble
  • South Carolina Army National Guard