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New actions and improvements in HarePoint Workflow Extensions


HarePoint Workflow Extensions, which offers over 300 actions has significantly expanded options for users in automation of workflows using Microsoft SharePoint Designer и Microsoft Visio.

We are glad to present Version 2.8, with a broad range of changes and new actions.

First, we added the following actions for workflows on the SharePoint 2013 platform:

  • Get SharePoint 2013 Workflow Status
  • Start SharePoint 2013 Workflow
  • Terminate SharePoint 2013 Workflow
  • Wait SharePoint 2013 Workflow To Complete
  • Wait SharePoint 2013 Workflow To Complete By Name

This allows significant expansions of the capability to build complex workflows using both platforms: SharePoint 2010 и SharePoint 2013.

The existing actions that create and edit list items on other SharePoint farms are now enriched with a new activity: Get Field Value from Different Farm. This provides the ability to obtain data from list items for use in the workflow.

Also new in this version:

  • Change in the algorithm of the Is current item checked out action.
  • The Copy/Move Document action now can check access rights to avoid a false message that a file does not exist.
  • The Copy/Move Document action copies .aspx documents along with webparts and their settings.
  • Improvement in Receive Email To List: if the message received does not have a Text Body, then instead of that text, the HTML Body is converted into plain text.
  • Add Users to SharePoint Group now supports group arrays, for bulk addition of users into several groups.
  • Update Picture In Word Document now supports links to graphic image files by absolute URL.
  • The Get Multi Value Field action correctly process requests when the value obtained is a User which has been deleted from the site.
  • Compatibility issues with SharePoint Foundation resolved.

You can download the latest version of the product from the home page of HarePoint Workflow Extensions.

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