Workflow actions for SharePoint lists are critical if you need it efficient operations for managing lists in workflow and to operate with list items and content types.
List activities
- Add Content Type to List
This workflow action adds specified content type to the list.
- Add Existing Column to Content Type
This workflow action adds and existing column to a content type.
- Approve Item at Url
This workflow action is used to approve list item in specified by URL.
- Build String from List
This workflow action is used to build string variable using values of specified fields of multiple list items.
- Calculate Aggregation Function
This workflow action is used to calculate SUM, COUNT, AVG, MIN or MAX aggregation function on list items field values.
- Copy InfoPath Attachments to Document Library
This workflow action is used to copy InfoPath attachments of specified list item to document library.
- Copy List Item at Url
This workflow action is used to copy list item from one list to another.
- Copy List Item Attachments to Document Library
This workflow action is used to copy attachments from specified list item to document library specified by URL.
- Copy List Item Attachments to Document Library (advanced)
This workflow action is used to copy attachments from specified list item to document library specified by URL, and save the URLs of the output items to an array.
- Copy List Item Attachments to List Item
This workflow action is used to copy attachments of one list item to attachments of another list item.
- Copy List Item to Different Farm
This workflow action is used to copy list item from one list to another located on a different SharePoint farm.
- Create Content Type
This workflow action creates a new content type.
- Create List
Creates new SharePoint list or document library using specified template.
- Create List Item at Url
This workflow action is used to create new list item and set the values of list item fields.
- Create List Item on Different Farm
This workflow action is used to create new list item at the different SharePoint farm and set the values of list item fields.
- Create List Items from Array
his workflow action creates several items in a specified list, and fills a certain field in them with the values from array.
- Create Site Column
This workflow action creates a new site column on the site based on CAML query.
- Delete All List Items
This workflow action is used to delete list items of current list.
- Delete Item at Url
This workflow action is used to delete list item specified by URL.
- Delete Item on Different Farm
This workflow action is used to delete list item at different SharePoint farm.
- Download InfoPath Attachments to Folder
This workflow action is used to save InfoPath attachments of specified list item to local disk or to network share.
- Find List Item at Url
This workflow action is used to find list items by the value of the specified field.
- Find List Item by CAML
This workflow action is used to find list items using a CAML query.
- Find List Item by CAML on Different Farm
This workflow action is used to find list items at the different SharePoint farm using CAML query.
- Find List Item on Different Farm
This workflow action is used to find list items on different SharePoint farm by the value of the specified field.
- Get Field Value at Url
This workflow action is used to get a field value from list item specified by URL.
- Get Field Value from Different Farm
This workflow action allows getting values of list item's fields, for lists located on different farms.
- Get List Item Attachment Content
This workflow action is used to retrieve contents of specified list item attachment into output variable.
- Get List Item Attachments
This workflow action is used to get names, file sizes or URLs of list item attachments.
- Get List Item Url
This workflow action is used to get special URLs for the specified list item, such as Edit Form URL, Display Form URL, Full path, and more.
- Get List Url
This workflow action is used to get one from seven possible URL types for a list on current SharePoint site:
- Display Form
- Edit Form
- New Form
- Native Form
- Mobile Display Form
- Mobile Edit Form
- Mobile New Form
- Get Multi-Valued Field Value at Url
This workflow action gets the multi-valued field values of specified list item and saves them to array.
- Get Special List Item Url at Url
This workflow action is used to get special URLs for the specified list item, such as Edit Form URL, Display Form URL, Full path, and more.
- Get the Number of Versions of a List Item
This workflow action is used to get how many versions the specified list item has. In particular, this action is helpful to make sure there is more than one list item version before using "Get Field Value at URL" action when it is needed to retrieve older versions of a field value.
- Get Workflow Task Property
This workflow action allows to get values of extended properties of a workflow task.
- If List Exists (HarePoint)
This workflow condition is used to determine if the specified list exists on an indicated site.
- Is Current Item Checked Out (HarePoint)
This workflow condition returns true if the current item is checked out.
- Is Specified Item Checked Out (HarePoint)
This workflow condition returns true if the item specified by URL is checked out.
- Loop Through and Update List Items
This workflow action is used to update multiple items in a list with the same data (set certain column(s) of those items to a certain value(s)). The necessary items are selected by a CAML query.
- Move List Item to Subfolder
Move a single or multiple list items to a subfolder in the same list. Version and attachments for the list item are retained.
- Reject Item at Url
This workflow action is used to reject items in specified list.
- Remove All Attachments
This workflow action is used to remove attachments by name or by file mask from the list item specified by URL.
- Remove Content Type from List
This workflow action removes specified content type from the list.
- Remove InfoPath Attachments
This workflow action is used to remove InfoPath attachments from the list item specified by URL.
- Set Content Type Document Template
This workflow action sets a document template for a content type.
- Set Default Content Type on List
This workflow action sets specified content type as default for the specified list. If list does not contain specified content type, then it will be added first.
- Update List Item at Url
This workflow action is used to set values of list item fields. It is possible to update multiple list items in a single action by providing an array of URLs as an input parameter.
- Update List Item on Different Farm
This workflow action is used to set values of list item fields on different SharePoint farm.
- Update Workflow Task at Url
This workflow action allows to set the values of the workflow task properties, including extended properties.
- Upload Files to List Item Attachments
This workflow action is used to upload files from local disk, network share, document library or web server to list item attachments.
- Wait For Field Change in Current Item Until Date
This workflow action is waiting till field value satisfies the specified logical expression. If the specified date has reached, time out is triggered.
- Wait For Field Change in Current Item With Timeout
This workflow action is waiting till field value satisfies the specified logical expression. If the specified time limit has been exceeded, time out is triggered.
The more than 50 workflow actions and conditions above manage SharePoint lists and list items are available for evaluation with 30-day free trial of HarePoint Workflow Extensions.
Other SharePoint Workflow actions categories