SharePoint workflow activities for networking

SharePoint workflow activities for networking

The SharePoint workflow activities from this group enable new operations with network infrastructure. Manage an FTP server from workflow; upload and download documents via FTP; receive RSS feeds; initiate sending of Twitter or Hangout messages; send various HTTP requests - all of these things may be accomplished via SharePoint workflows using activities from the Networking category of HarePoint Workflow Extensions.

Network activities

  • Create Directory on FTP Server
    This workflow action is used to create directory on FTP server.
  • Delete Directory from FTP Server
    This workflow actions is used to delete specified directory on the FTP server.
  • Delete File from FTP Server
    This workflow action is used to delete specified file from the FTP server.
  • Download Document from FTP Server
    This workflow action is used to download a document from FTP server to a SharePoint document library.
  • Download Documents from FTP Folder
    This workflow action is used to save either all or only specific documents from an FTP folder to a local disk or network share.
  • Fetch RSS Feed to Html
    This workflow action is used to fetch all items from RSS feed and print it by specified template.
  • Fetch RSS Item
    This workflow action is used to fetch top item from RSS feed.
  • Get Formsite Form Results
    This workflow action is used to obtain the Formsite form results and save them to array variable.
  • Send HTTP GET Request
    This workflow action is used to send HTTP GET request.
  • Send HTTP OAuth Request
    This workflow action is used to send HTTP OAuth request. Various HTTP methods available.
  • Send HTTP POST Request
    This workflow action is used to send HTTP POST request.
  • Send XMPP Instant Message
    This workflow action is used to send instant message to XMPP-compatible messaging clients like Google Talk.
  • Set Encrypted Passwords
    This workflow action is used to setup authorization settings in an encrypted form. This action can be used instead of any other action that sets the usernames and passwords.
  • Set FTP Server Options
    This workflow action is used to set FTP server name, login, password and other options for other FTP-related activities like Upload Document to FTP Server or Create Directory on FTP Server.
  • Set HTTP Request Options
    This workflow action is used to set HTTP login and password for other HTTP-related activities like Send HTTP GET Request.
  • Set OAuth Authentication
    This workflow action is used to set OAuth authentication.
  • Set Web Service Options
    This workflow action is setting the Web Service options which are required to use Get Excel Cell Value and Set Excel Cell Value actions when older format (.xls) Excel documents are processed.
  • Shorten URL
    This workflow action generates the short URL using online providers for short URLs.
  • Upload Document to FTP Server
    This workflow action is used to upload list item on FTP server.
  • Upload Documents to FTP Folder
    This workflow action is used to upload either all or only specific documents from a folder in a document library to an FTP folder.
  • Upload List Item Attachments to FTP Server
    This workflow action is used to upload list item attachments to FTP server directory.

The group of Networking activities is included into HarePoint Workflow Extensions along with more than 300 other activities from 19 different groups. They may be evaluated free of charge with 30-day trial of HarePoint Workflow Extensions.

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