SharePoint workflow actions used to execute custom code, PowerShell Script and SQL Command

SharePoint workflow actions used to execute custom code, PowerShell Script and SQL Command

The SharePoint workflow actions from this group provide you the ability to execute C# or VB.NET code; custom PowerShell scripts; SQL commands and various operations with XML in your SharePoint workflows. This significantly expands the workflow scenarios for business tasks automation.

Development activities

  • Convert JSON to XML
    Convert a JSON string to an XML document.
  • Execute Custom Code
    This workflow action is used to execute custom C# or VB.NET code within a workflow.
  • Execute PowerShell Script
    This workflow action is used to execute a custom PowerShell script.
  • Execute SQL Command
    This workflow action is used to execute SQL commands on Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, ODBC or OLE DB data sources.
  • Execute SQL Command into List
    This workflow action is used to execute SQL commands on Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, ODBC or OLE DB data sources and store results in a specified SharePoint list. Each row from the results represents a new list item.
  • Query XML
    This workflow action is used to query an XML document using XPath query language.
  • Transform XML
    This workflow action is used for XML transformations using XSLT template.
  • Update XML
    This workflow action is used to update a node value or to append a new child node to an XML document using XPath query.

In addition to development actions above, HarePoint Workflow Extensions provides more than 300 other actions and conditions for creating of workflows in SharePoint. You are welcome to evaluate these new opportunities in SharePoint workflow authoring with free 30-day trial of HarePoint Workflow Extensions.

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