SharePoint workflow actions to work with Microsoft Exchange

SharePoint workflow actions to work with Microsoft Exchange

SharePoint workflow actions to work with Microsoft Exchange mail items such as calendar items. Delete and cancel Calendar Items or update properties and attendees.

Exchange activities

  • Create Exchange Calendar Item
    This workflow action is used to create a new calendar item in Exchange.
  • Delete Exchange Calendar Item
    This workflow action is used to remove an event from user's calendar.
  • Respond to Exchange Calendar Item
    This workflow action is used to accept, decline or cancel an event.
  • Send Meeting Request
    This workflow action is sending a meeting request.
  • Set Exchange Web Service Options
    This workflow action is setting Exchange Web Service options which are required to use actions from "Exchange" category. This action needs to be put before any other actions from this category.
  • Update Exchange Calendar Item
    This workflow action is used to change one or several parameters of an event.
  • Update Exchange Calendar Item Advanced Properties
    This workflow action is used to update an advanced properties of an event.
  • Update Exchange Calendar Item Attendees
    This workflow action is used to add or change attendees for an event.
  • Update Recurring Exchange Calendar Item
    This workflow action is used to update or create recurring events in Exchange calendar.

The group of Exchange activities is included into HarePoint Workflow Extensions along with more than 300 other activities from 19 different groups. They may be evaluated free of charge with 30-day trial of HarePoint Workflow Extensions.

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