Activities for social networks: Yammer, Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and other social networks.
Social activities
- Create Group in Yammer
This workflow action creates a new group in Yammer with specified title and description. The group can be public or private.
- Create MailChimp Campaign
This workflow action is used to create a new MailChimp campaign.
- Create User in Yammer
This workflow action creates a new user in Yammer network with specified parameters.
- Delete MailChimp Campaign
This workflow action is used to delete MailChimp campaign permanently.
- Delete User from Yammer
This workflow action deletes the specified user from Yammer.
- Get User's Property from Yammer
This workflow action gets the specified property from the profile of the specified user in Yammer.
- Invite User to Yammer
This workflow action initiates sending an invitation e-mail from Yammer network to specified e-mail address.
- Publish to Social Media
This workflow action allows posting to Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and other social networks using
- Publish Message to Yammer
This workflow action posts a message to any group of Yammer corporate network; a file can be attached from the specified document library.
- Replicate MailChimp Campaign
This workflow action is used to replicate (create a copy of) an existing MailChimp campaign.
- Schedule MailChimp Campaign
This workflow action is used to schedule the MailChimp campaign to be sent on a certain date at a certain time.
- Send MailChimp Campaign
This workflow action is used to initiate sending a MailChimp campaign immediately.
- Send Twitter Message
This workflow action is used to send message to twitter.
- Set User's Property in Yammer
This workflow action sets the specified property to the profile of the specified user in Yammer.
- Subscribe to MailChimp List
This workflow action is used to add a new subscriber to a MailChimp list.
- Unsubscribe from MailChimp List
This workflow action is used to unsubscribe people from your MailChimp list.
- Update Group in Yammer
This workflow action modifies the parameters of the existing group in Yammer.
The SharePoint workflow actions and conditions above are the part of HarePoint Workflow Extensions, which contains more than 300 new, ready-to-use workflow activities in 19 different groups. Note the 30-day trial of HarePoint Workflow Extensions is available for evaluation free of charge.
Other SharePoint Workflow actions categories