Activities to administrate SharePoint sites

Activities to administrate SharePoint sites

The SharePoint workflow actions and conditions from this group allow to create essential workflows for administration of SharePoint sites and site collections. Create a new site; add or remove users/groups to/from a specified site; define user/group properties, etc. All these actions can easily be performed in your workflows with the activities below.

Site's administration activities

  • Activate Feature
    This workflow action is used to activate a feature in a SharePoint site or site collection.
  • Add Users to SharePoint Group
    This action adds one or more users to one or more SharePoint groups.
  • Add Users to Site
    This workflow action is used to add local or Active Directory users to a SharePoint site.
  • Change SharePoint Group Owner
    This workflow action is used to change the owner of a SharePoint group.
  • Change SharePoint Group Settings
    This workflow action is used to change the settings of a SharePoint group.
  • Create Host Named Site Collection
    This workflow action is used to create a new host named site collection.
  • Create SharePoint Group
    This workflow action creates a new SharePoint group. You can add members to the created group with Add Users to SharePoint Group.
  • Create SharePoint Site
    This action creates a new site anywhere within the SharePoint environment.
  • Create Site Collection
    This action workflow action is used to create a new site collection.
  • Deactivate Feature
    This workflow action deactivates a feature on SharePoint site or site collection.
  • Delete Entire SharePoint List at Url
    This workflow action is used to delete the entire SharePoint list with all the list items completely.
  • Delete SharePoint Group
    This workflow action is used to delete SharePoint groups from a specified site.
  • Delete SharePoint Site
    This action allows you to delete a site anywhere within the SharePoint environment.
  • Delete Site Collection
    This workflow action is used to delete a site collection.
  • Extract Users from SharePoint Group to List
    This workflow action is used to extract users from the given SharePoint Group and save them to a SharePoint list as individual list items.
  • Get Multiple Site Users Property
    This workflow action gets the values of one specified property from all specified users and saves them to an array variable.
  • Get Site Property
    This workflow action is used to get one of the available site properties.
  • Get Site User Property
    This workflow action is used to get a specified property value from a user's profile on the site.
  • If SharePoint Group Exists (HarePoint)
    This workflow condition is used to check if the specified SharePoint group exists.
  • If SharePoint Site Exists
    This workflow condition is used to check whether a SharePoint exists at an indicated URL.
  • Is Role Assigned to User (HarePoint)
    This condition is used to check whether a specified permission level (role) is assigned to a given user on the current site. This action obtains effective permission level by combining permissions granted directly to user with permissions granted to groups where the user is a member.
  • Is User a Member of a SharePoint Group (HarePoint)
    This condition allows checks whether a user has membership in a given SharePoint group.
  • Remove User from SharePoint Group
    Using this workflow action you can remove either a specified user, or all users from a SharePoint group.
  • Remove User from Site
    This workflow action removes a user from a SharePoint site and from all site groups.
  • Rename Site at Url
    This workflow action sets a new title for a site specified by URL anywhere within the SharePoint environment.
  • Set Master Page
    This workflow action sets the master page for the current or any other site.
  • Set SharePoint List Anonymous Access
    This workflow action is used to set anonymous access for a list specified by URL.
  • Set SharePoint List Settings
    This workflow action is used to set the additional settings of a SharePoint list or a document library.
  • Set SharePoint Site Anonymous Access
    This workflow action is used to set anonymous access for a site specified by URL.
  • Set SharePoint Site Navigation Options
    This workflow action sets the navigation options for a SharePoint site.
  • Set Site Property
    This workflow action is used to change the site properties, such as title, description and site collection administrators.
  • Set Site User Property
    This workflow action sets a specified property value in a user's profile on the site.
  • Set User's Photo in SharePoint
    This workflow actions sets or removes a photo in the SharePoint user's profile. JPG image format is required. The size of photo is limited to 1MB.

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