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Try HarePoint Workflow Extensions with new actions and improvements


HarePoint Workflow Extensions for SharePointHarePoint Workflow Extensions solution offers over 300 ready-to-use workflow actions for workflow authoring in Microsoft SharePoint Designer and Microsoft Visio.

We are happy to introduce a new set of SharePoint workflow actions to work with Microsoft Exchange mail items such as calendar items. You are now able to delete and cancel Calendar Items or update properties and attendees.

In the new version, there is an activity called Get Workflow Instance ID. Using this, any SharePoint workflow can be terminated any time, since the Terminate Workflow action requires the Instance ID of a workflow in order to stop it. Until now, it was only possible to terminate workflows that were started by the Start Workflow action, because this action returned the Instance ID of the newly started workflow. The Wait Workflow to Complete action had the same limitations. It wasn’t possible to find out Instance IDs of other workflows. Now this can be achieved.

There are more changes in this version of the product:

  • Read Word Document action can now be configured to continue a workflow if the specified content control field was not found. This new feature allows reading values from content control fields for Word documents with variant content.
  • Get Office Document Property and Set Office Document Property actions now have new properties available – Time Created and Time Modified. This allows setting of the creation and modification times to any required values. In particular, this can be used in addition to the updated Replace Text in Word Document action where you now can choose not to create a new version. Despite the fact that a new version is not created, both version creation time and document modified time are updated to the current time. With Get/Set Office Document Property actions, it is now possible to re-set previous creation and modification times.
  • The error in the Replace Text in Word Document action is corrected and the document now is fully compatible with Apache OpenOffice.

You can download the latest version of the product from the HarePoint Workflow Extensions page or request a live presentation of the product.

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