Workflow activities for Active Directory administration

Workflow activities for Active Directory administration

  • Add Member to Active Directory Group
    This workflow action is used to add one or several users or groups to specified Active Directory security or distribution group.
  • Change Active Directory Account Settings
    This workflow action is used to enable or disable a user account or to change its settings.
  • Change Active Directory Group Settings
    This workflow action is used to change the Active Directory group settings.
  • Create Group in Active Directory
    This workflow action will create a new group in the specified Active Directory container.
  • Create Mail Contact in Active Directory
    This workflow action creates a new mail contact in Active Directorywith specified parameters.
  • Create User in Active Directory
    This workflow action creates a new user account in a specified Active Directory container.
  • Delete Group from Active Directory
    This workflow action will delete a specified security or distribution group from Active Directory.
  • Delete User from Active Directory
    This workflow action will delete a specified user from Active Directory.
  • Find User in Active Directory
    This workflow action is used to find a SharePoint user in Active Directory and store the user's logon name in the output variable.
  • Find User in Active Directory by Query
    This workflow action is used to find a user or group in Active Directory by a specified query.
  • Get Active Directory Groups Where User is Member
    This workflow action will return the list of groups where specified user is a member.
  • Get E-Mails of Active Directory Group Members
    This workflow action returns the email addresses of an Active Directory group's members to a dictionary variable.
  • Get User's Attribute from Active Directory
    This workflow action will return the value of a user's specified Active Directory user attribute.
  • Get User's Manager from Active Directory
    This workflow action is used to get a manager's display name for a specified Active Directory user or a group.
  • Get User's Multivalued Attribute from Active Directory
    This workflow action is used to get a multi-valued attribute of a specified Active Directory user.
  • Move User into Organizational Unit
    This workflow action is used to move a specified AD user into a specified AD organizational unit or container.
  • Remove Member from Active Directory Group
    This workflow action will remove a user or group from an Active Directory security or distribution group.
  • Set Active Directory Options
    This workflow action is used to specify where the users should be searched in.
  • Set User's Attribute in Active Directory
    This workflow action is used to set an Active Directory attribute of a specified user.
  • Set User's Multivalued Attribute in Active Directory
    This workflow action is used to set a multi-valued Active Directory attribute for a specified user.
  • Set User's Password in Active Directory
    This workflow action is used to set the password for a specified Active Directory user.
  • Set User's Photo in Active Directory
    This workflow action is used to set or remove a photo in the Active Directory user's profile ('thumbnailPicture' attribute).
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