Activities for string operations in SharePoint 2016 / 2013 workflows

Activities for string operations in SharePoint 2016 / 2013 workflows

  • Capture All Occurrences of Text
    This workflow action is used to store all matches of a regular expression in a specified text to output to an array variable.
  • Capture Text with Regular Expression
    This workflow action is used to store the first match of a regular expression in a specified text to output a text variable.
  • Convert Base64 to Text
    This workflow activity will decode Base64 string, interpret the resulting data as a string in one of five available encodings, and copy to the output system string variable.
  • Convert HTML To Text
    This workflow action is used to strip HTML tags from a specified string and to return the result to an output variable.
  • Convert Number To Text
    This workflow action is used to convert an integer number into text using a specified language.
  • Convert Text Case
    Converts specified text to UPPER CASE, lower case, Title Case or Sentence case.
  • Convert Text to Base64
    This workflow activity will encode a specified text using one of five available encodings and convert the encoded text to Base64.
  • Decode Web Text
    This workflow action decodes text with one of two available decoding methods and returns the result to an output variable.
  • Encode Web Text
    Processes text with one of four available encoding methods and returns result to output variable.
  • Evaluate Mathematical Expression
    This workflow action is used to evaluate the specified mathematical expression.
  • Extract Substring
    This workflow action extracts a substring from a string specified by a starting index and substring length.
  • Get Random Number
    This workflow action is used to get a random number within the specified range.
  • Get Random String
    This workflow action is used to get a random string which contains characters from a specified set.
  • Get String Length
    Returns the length of a string or string expression, in terms of the number of characters.
  • Join Text
    This workflow action is used to join strings from an array to one string using a specified delimiter.
  • Log to History List (HarePoint)
    This action is similar to the Log to History List core action.
  • Replace Text with Regular Expression
    This workflow action is used to replace all matches of regular expression in the specified text with a specified string.
  • Set Regular Expression Options
    This workflow actions sets the options for regular expression actions like Capture Text with Regular Expression, Capture All Occurences of Text or Replace Text with Regular Expression.
  • Split Text
    This workflow action is used to split text and store results to a strings dictionary.
  • Trim Text
    Removes white-space characters from the beginning and/or end of a specified text.
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