Accept Revision Changes in Word Document
This workflow action accepts all revision changes in the specified Word document.
Add Digital Signature
This workflow action is used to add a digital signature
to the specified document.
Add New Row into Word Document
This workflow action adds a copy of the last row in the Repeating Section Content Control.
Add Watermark to Word Document
This workflow action is used to add watermarks to Word documents.
Find Text in Word Document
This workflow action is used to check for the presence of a specified substring in a Microsoft Word document.
Get Excel Cell Value
This workflow action is used to get cell value at Microsoft Excel document on a SharePoint server.
Get Office Document Property
This workflow action is used to get the property of a document on a SharePoint server.
Get Word Document Page Count
This workflow action is used to get the page count of a word document.
Read Word Document
This workflow action is used to get the text of a named content control of a Microsoft Word document.
Read Word Document To Text
This workflow action is used to get the text of a Microsoft Word document and save it to a string variable.
Replace External Hyperlink in Word Document
This workflow action is used to replace the URLs and/or text labels in external hyperlinks in Word document.
Replace Text in Word Document
This workflow action is used to replace text in Microsoft Word document.
Set Excel Cell Value
This workflow action is used to set cell value at Microsoft Excel document on a SharePoint server.
Set Office Document Property
This workflow action is used to set the value of document property of a document on a SharePoint server.
Update Multiple Fields in Word Document
This workflow action is used to update multiple
content control fields in Word document in a single run, which is more
convenient and efficient than using "Update Word Document" action
several times in a workflow.
Update Picture in Word Document
This workflow action sets the picture located at a specified URL to the picture content control of the specified document.
Update Word Document
This workflow action updates the text of a named content control in a Microsoft Word document.