Example of work with Windows Forms

Example of work with Windows Forms

As another example of universality of HarePoint Explorer for SharePoint, let`s review the operations with class System.Windows.Forms.Form.

Open new script window and modify text of method Main the following way:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Text;
using MAPILab.SharePoint.Explorer.CodeForm;
using MAPILab.SharePoint.Explorer.Utilities.ScriptRunner;
using System.Windows.Forms;
public class Tester
    static void Main(
         MAPILab.SharePoint.Explorer.CodeForm.MLCodeForm thisForm
        ,MAPILab.SharePoint.Explorer.Utilities.ScriptRunner.MLBrowser browser
        Form form = new Form(); 
        form.Text = "Hello From MAPILab Explorer For SharePoint"; 
        FlowLayoutPanel layoutPanel = new FlowLayoutPanel(); 
        layoutPanel.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; 
        TextBox textBox = new TextBox(); 
        textBox.Text = "Enter you name"; 
        Button button = new Button(); 
        button.Text = "Click Me!"; 
        // Output browser configuration 
        //browser.Text = "Browser window"; 
        //browser.DisplayMode = 
        browser.ReturnValue = form;
Visual Basic
Visual Basic
Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports System.Text
Imports MAPILab.SharePoint.Explorer.CodeForm
Imports MAPILab.SharePoint.Explorer.Utilities.ScriptRunner
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Public Class Tester
    Shared Sub Main(ByVal thisForm 
    As MAPILab.SharePoint.Explorer.CodeForm.MLCodeForm, 
                    ByVal browser 
                    As MAPILab.SharePoint.Explorer.Utilities.ScriptRunner.MLBrowser)
        Dim form 
        As Form = new Form()
        form.Text = "Hello From MAPILab Explorer For SharePoint" 
        Dim layoutPanel 
        As FlowLayoutPanel = new FlowLayoutPanel() 
        layoutPanel.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
        Dim textBox 
        As TextBox = new TextBox()
        textBox.Text = "Enter you name" 
        Dim button 
        As Button = new Button()
        button.Text = "Click Me!" 
        ' Output browser configuration 
        'browser.Text = "Browser window" 
        'browser.DisplayMode = 
        browser.ReturnValue = form
    End Sub 
End Class 

The given program code creates new window, adds several controls in it, after that it is displayed using method Show() and returns reference to window object for further investigation. The result of script execution looks the following way:


Windows form
Click to open real size screenshot

Here, pay attention that properties of created window may be changed. By changing properties (without closing anything), our window can be made to look the following way:


Windows form with changed properties
Click to open real size screenshot

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